We all have that special Duel Master in our life. The one we hold close as they compete in the ancient game of pharaohs and turn the tide against the forces of evil. And certainly, we all love an advent calendar to open up by the light of a duel disc. But what if there was an advent calendar just for the Yu-Gi-Oh superfan in your life?

Yugi Moto, Seto Kaiba, Maximillian Pegasus, Rex Raptor, Bones… All the greats would bask in awe as you unite the five pieces of their heart with this brand spankin’ new Yu-Gi-Oh Advent Calendar!
With 24 holiday-themed cards (14 super-rares & 10 ultra-rares), this is sure to melt the Heart of the Cards in that deck-wielder you love.
You can grab this right now here at FP!
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