Alien is a masterpiece. A horror movie for the ages, with a unique premise, location, and villain. Aliens is just as great, choosing to turn the proceedings into a slambang action movie but losing none of the quality of the original. On the other hand, Alien 3 received, shall we say, mixed reviews? After a pair of classics, David Fincher’s slow prison-set drama of entropy over scares was seen as a letdown by many. After the potential script for Alien 3 went through countless permutations, eventually two of them were rather halfhazardly slammed together into the final film. But thanks to Dark Horse Comics, you’ll finally get to see the best of those scripts in the light of day.
WILLIAM GIBSON’S ALIEN 3 takes the script from the Neuromancer master and gives it the justice it never got. Gone is the icy planet prison packed with putrid perpetrators. Say goodbye to the controversial opening that kills off many of the fan favorite characters from Aliens. Bid a fond farewell to Ridley’s messianic plunge into flame to kill a fledgling xenomorph. This ALIEN 3 resets the board, picking up right after the titanic end of Aliens.
The Sulaco, loaded with Ridley, Newt, Bishop, and Hicks, is intercepted in the middle of a galactic cold war. When the warring factions try to create a weapon of mass destruction, they find one lurking on their captured ship. But that weapon is not working for them…
WILLIAM GIBSON’S ALIEN 3 is brought to us by the killer team of Johnnie Christmas (Angel Catbird, Firebug) and Tamra Bonvillain (Flavor, Wayward). Maybe it will be the Alien film you always wanted, or perhaps just a fun experiment in what might have been.
In any case, you can grab WILLIAM GIBSON’S ALIEN 3 #1 right now at Forbidden Planet. Grab it before it grabs you.
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