The incredibly creative couple of Neil Gaiman and Dresden Dolls Lead Singer Amanda Palmer have combined to bring us a work of Palmer’s photography in “Who Killed Amanda Palmer.”
The book doesn’t even come out until September but we here at the Union Square store of Forbidden Planet have the book which features photography by Palmer and stories by Gaiman. The wonderful Ms. Palmer gives us the details:
we’re JUST starting to make the book available at a few select retailers with whom we have cosy relations. hopefully more are to come, but for now…
if you’re in NYC, you can pick it up at:
Forbidden Planet
840 Broadway
New York, NY(they’re right near union square. they’ve also got it on their website)
and CHAPTERS has it:
Parnell Street
Dublin, Ireland
(they wrote a little blog about carrying it HERE)we’re also hoping to have the book available in some UK stores so keep your fingers crossed and let us know if you see it pop up at:
Forbidden Planet
40-41 Southbridge Street
EdinburghForbidden Planet
179 Shaftesbury Avenue
Londonif i find out it’s at either place, i’ll post to twitter and facebook and such…