This week is chock full of season premieres. Here are a listing of some of the genre-friendly things I’ll be setting my DVR to.
- This is the first time I’ll admit on the Internet that I’m a fan of Ghost Hunters. The show on Syfy follows a bunch of New Hampshire plumbers who use scientific devices to detect ghosts. Its actually kind of interesting in that documentary style in the sense they use devices like digital recorders, infrared cameras and electronic magnetic detectors to prove the presence of ghosts. Sometimes they catch some stuff on camera that is actually pretty neat. My girlfriend likes to give me crap that the reason I watch it is for Kris Williams, but the fact remains I’ve watched it long before she was on the show. Regardless, I’m not going to deny that she is popular and judging by her 15,000 Twitter followers, I’m not the only one who digs her presence. The show is on tonight at 9pm.
- Everyone won’t shut up about Flash Forward. Coming from Batman Begins and Dark Knight screenwriter David S. Goyer, this show promises to have a Lost level of annoyance. At least in my mind, but it does seem to be a cool concept. The show premieres tomorrow night at 8pm.
- Friday night has a few reasons to stay home. Smallville in its new time slot at 8pm will open with Lois Lane (the awesome Erica Durance) meeting the future Metallo (Brian Austin Green).
- Also on Friday night is Dollhouse. Joss Whedon’s show that got a second chance, premiering at 9pm. I’m kind of intrigued to see why it got a second chance because the first few episodes I watched last season had me walk away from the show pretty quickly. Throughout the three episodes I watched I found myself saying out loud: “C’mon, Joss, you can do so much better than this.” Apparently the show got ALOT better as the season progressed, which I would say isn’t that hard to do because it started out terrible. Though, it had its problems with network interference according to Joss’s talk with Ira Glass last night. Regardless, check out the new trailer for the show.
- The other show I’m pumped to check out is Stargate Universe, that doesn’t premiere until Oct. 2. From what I understand its supposed to be very much in line with the original Stargate movie, which as a seventh or eighth grader was totally awesome. Especially with the spectacular Robert Carlyle and freakin’ Lou Diamond Philips.