Read this publication for long enough and you will be inundated with my talking about the West Coast Avengers. In just seven issues, I have found an excuse to talk about this book a third time. I’ve added it to my solemn duties as the near sole reporter for the Weekly Planet. The WCA will have their day and I’m just the man to force you to give it to them.
The book follows my favorite Avengers line-up in years. Your favorite pair of Hawkeyes lead disgraced mutant revolutionary Quentin Quire, powerhouse America Chavez, the Unbelievable Gwenpool, and some guy named Fuse on a campaign to protect the country’s other half from the villains that seek it ill. The whole thing is the subject of a documentary a la Parks & Recreation. Each issue is packed with jokes and great character moments. The romantic entanglements are spot on and each installment only makes me more excited to read the next.
Kelly Thompson provides her characteristic wit and charm to the proceedings, the exact same material that has made the likes of Jessica Jones or Mr. & Mrs. X the can’t miss titles they are. Stefano Caselli and Daniele Di Nicuolo provide the exceptional art. They sell the book’s ample comedy by playing the superheroics straight down the middle. West Coast Avengers is on par artistically with the most acclaimed books on the market.
West Coast Avengers Volume 1 – The Best Coast is now on shelves and available for the perfect downtime read.
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