Enjoy the cover to the final issue of “Planetary” by John Cassaday [Click to get the full size version, and trust me you’ll find yourself lost in it for a good ten minutes]. Over the weekend, some other news broke:
- Matt Brady is leaving Newsarama. To be honest, I’ve always thought Brady and Comic Book Resources Boss Jonah Weiland would be like Penn State football coach Joe Paterno, and the only way they would leave their jobs is if they dropped dead doing it. Graeme McMillan, a former Newsarama contributor, leaves a very enjoyable note on Brady retiring.
- In other, “ama” news, the “Futurama” voice actors may be replaced. Way to bury the hatchet this weekend, gentlemen. Sure, I’m happy that its coming back, and hopefully it doesn’t become what “Family Guy” has become–a series of the same jokes that were funny for three seasons but now are just plain annoying.
- io9 reports on new clips for the “Astro Boy” animated movie. Next to “Where the Wild Things Are” I cannot wait for this movie. It just looks gorgeous. If you haven’t already, check out the trailer. To be honest with you, I think it should win Best Animated Movie at the Oscars.