Marvel’s latest titanic struggle for the fate of the world will be raging for three months. Along the way, there will be many great stories to tell. Here’s how you can experience the action on Midgard this week.
War Scrolls #1
Daredevil is now the guardian of the Bifrost. Gifted with the all-seeing eyes of Heimdall, Matt Murdock will watch his home burn under the forces of Malekith & Sindr. How will the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen intervene? And can he save his home in time?
PLUS this issue contains the return of Chip Zdarsky & Joe Quinones to the world of Howard the Duck. They left the fair fowled detective high and dry at the end of their wonderful run. How is he faring during the War of the Realms?
Journey Into Mystery #1
Thor has a baby sister. And everybody wants a piece of her. So Miles Morales, Kate Bishop Hawkeye, Wonder Man, Death Locket, & Baldur the Brave must band together to save her. It’s a journey through the Marvel Universe courtesy of the McElroy Family in their Marvel debut! The maestros behind The Adventure Zone, Monster Factory, and My Brother, My Brother, and Me are bringing their stunning sense of humor and storytelling to the War of the Realms.
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #43
Doreen Green’s first foray into the world of Marvel events. After sidestepping Civil Wars and Secret Empire’s, Squirrel Girl is just too wrapped up in the world of Asgard to stay out of this one. Her good friend Loki is in trouble. And that troublesome squirrel of the world tree Ratatoskr returns to ruin Doreen & Nancy’s lives once again.
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