You can’t stop the motion of the ocean or the sun in the sky or the War of the Realms.
The War of the Realms #4
Midgard is in shambles. And as each of the strikeforces makes its strides across the nine realms, Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda battle for their lives to defend Avengers Mountain. Midgard’s true champions (Dr. Nemesis, Broo, etc.) will put themselves on the line to protect the most important place on Earth.
Giant-Man #1
Marvel’s largest lads, it’s most absolute of units, are going undercover as Frost Giants. Perhaps the tide of Midgard’s plight will turn if four giant men dive into the pool.
The War of the Realms – Strikeforce: The War Avengers #1
While many of Marvel’s mightiest duke it out in realms beyond, Captain Marvel defends the frontline here on Earth. Together with heavy hitters like Captain Britain and Deadpool, and superspies like Black Widow and Winter Soldier, Carol Danvers is our last line of defense.
Spider-Man & the League of Realms #1
With Thor still out of commission, Spider-Man takes over the top spot on the League of Realms. He leads my beloved Sir Ivory Honeyshot, Screwbeard the Dwarf, and a representative from each of Yggdrasil’s noble realms deep behind the lines of the War of the Realms.
Kevin Lanigan is a writer/comedian/director living in NYC. He's the writer/star of the romantic comedy web series Doomed To You, the improv/sketch show The Puffin Publishing Podcast, and the comedy RPG show JAN: Jive Action Nerds. You can see him perform weekly with his improv team Gone Girl.
Thor by Jason Aaron Complete Collection Volume 1 The best superhero book of the last seven years has been Jason Aaron’s tremendous, millenia-spanning, mythos-redefining run on the God of Thunder. No book has packed more […]
All-New Hawkeye #6 Jeff Lemire, Ramon Perez, Ian Herring Marvel $3.99 Hey it’s the finale issue of All-New Hawkeye! Again! This ending is FOR REAL though, as it’s apparently the last installment in this series […]
The War of the Realms heats up and so do my fingers as I quest to get in every tie-in Marvel is putting out for this godly event. The War of the Realms #2 The […]
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