Much like fabled Snowpiercer, The War of the Realms is an ice cold train that never stops going. Five weeks in, and you can still immerse yourself in the battle for Midgard’s eternal soul each and every week. Here’s where you can join in on the action this week.
Earth has been divided amongst Malekith’s forces. Every continent has its claimant. Now the only hope for our heroes (and our planet) is a series of Strikeforces throwing themselves surely to a bitter end. The New Avengers reunite once again for a sojourn into the Frost Giant realm, the last known location of Thor.
Journey Into Mystery #2
What’s a fantasy adventure without a little camping? Miles Morales, Kate Bishop, and company take a spot of rest in the enchanted woods. But Ares has not given up his mission to claim the newest edition to the Thor family for his own sinister ends.
Strikeforce – The Dark Elf Realm #1
The Black Bifrost, Malekith’s sinister perversion of of the rainbow bridge, is the only way to cross between realms. Malekith’s forces are using it to the lay waste to Midgard. With Thor missing and Odin useless, Lady Freyja leads She-Hulk, Punisher, Blade, and Ghost Rider right into the heart of Dark Elf territory with no hope that they should ever return.
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