I’ve got a fever. And the only prescription is to bury myself in an ice cold bath of War of the Realms tie-in books. Drown me.
The War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men #1
Did you remember that former New Mutant Dani Moonstar is actually a valkyrie of Asgard? Well, now would be a good time to remember. Because she’s leading Xavier’s merry mutants into battle against the armies of Malekith and the Frost Giants. All her fellow living New Mutants not currently trapped in the Age of X-Man will be there at her side. Might Storm’s mighty Asgardian hammer Stormcaster make a reappearance?
Avengers #18
One of the great mysteries of Jason Aaron’s tremendous run on Earth’s Mightiest Heroes has been the nature of the new Squadron Supreme of America? Who are they? Where did they come from? Just what level of threat do they pose to the Avengers? Only Agent Coulson knows for sure. But it looks as if we’ll finally be let in on some of these secrets as the Supremes face off against the forces of Niflheim as they lay siege to Washington, DC.
Kevin Lanigan is a writer/comedian/director living in NYC. He's the writer/star of the romantic comedy web series Doomed To You, the improv/sketch show The Puffin Publishing Podcast, and the comedy RPG show JAN: Jive Action Nerds. You can see him perform weekly with his improv team Gone Girl.
Last week, Earth’s Mightiest gathered together in the midst of a the unexplainable: Earth was being stolen! Every squad assembled, the primary Avengers team, Uncanny Avengers, U.S. Avengers, and even Occupy Avengers. The call also […]
This is where my usually hilarious intro paragraph goes, but I don’t got the time for that today. Hawk-talk time is now! Hawkeye #13 Matt Fraction/ David Aja Marvel Comics, $2.99, 20 pages David […]
Things in my cave are GREAT, thanks! I’ve taken care of that horrible bear, found a few new non-poisonous mushrooms and even got a girlfriend …although she might just be a hallucination, a side-effect from […]
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