Coming this Thursday to the 92Y Tribeca Screening Room… VHS Trailer Show Part Deux! I hope you guys are not tried of hearing me talk about VHS cause it ain’t stopping anytime soon.
Some of us refuse to let go of our VHS tapes.
One reason is that they have become a treasure trove of trailers for movies that time forgot. Being forced to scan past them each time you want to get to the feature, you end up developing an affection for these seemingly made-up movies. For the VHS Trailer Show, we present you with our favorite trailers, directly from VHS tapes. Armed with their favorites will be Matt Carman and Kseniya Yarosh (I Love Bad Movies), Mark Freado (Junk Food Dinner), Zach Clark (Modern Love is Automatic), Harry Merritt and Reid Bingham (Cinebeasts), Matthew Desiderio (Horror Boobs/VHS Vault) and a special segment of “VHS Trailers That Should Have Been” from the Found Footage Festival. Expect Vidmark oddities, action heros, and erotic thrillers, to name a few. We’ll also invite audience members to share their favorites, so if you’ve got a tape, cue it up!
Seems like they were stupid nice enough to bring me on board for a segment… finally some recognition! I call it a way to validate all the piles of tapes in my apartment.
Here are the details one more time…