As we prepare to say goodbye to 2017, there’s no better time for my favorites of the year Some of this stuff is still available on our shelves, while others are long gone- my only criteria this year is that it has to be something I own and Forbidden Planet had to have carried it this year. The main list will be the 6″ figures, though I have two additional favorites on my list that are above this size limit. I won’t be splitting this into male/female figures this year as the female figures greatly outnumbered the male ones in quality for me this year. Without further ado, let’s see what I was a fan of.
10. Rose Tico– Star Wars: The Black Series– (Hasbro) I have not yet seen Star Wars: The Last Jedi, so I don’t know much about one of the newest characters in the universe. Her action figure, however is a nice representation of the character with a detailed sculpt and great colors and articulation. It is also nice to have more Asian figures on my toy shelf.
9. Colossus– X-Men Legends– (Hasbro)- I have always been a sucker for X-Men figures and several made my list last year, as for 2017, more great X-characters graced our toy shelves, one of these was Piotr Rasputin aka Colossus. Created on a larger figure body, Colossus looks great next to the other X-Men in his more modern costume as well as with an alternate bearded head. Paint apps were good and articulation and sculpt make this one of the best this year.
8. John Constantine– Arrow TV– (DC Collectibles)- I got to meet Matt Ryan earlier this year at a special Justice League Dark screening and he was definitely a major league hottie. His portrayal of John Constantine has been adored to the point where he is the gold standard for the character in live-action and animation. DC’s Arrow TV show figure of him gets the Ryan head sculpt on point as well as the trademark outfit. Definitely a good representation of the character. who will return to the small screen on this season of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow in February.
7. Hela– Thor: Ragnarok Legends– (Hasbro)- Boasting two distinctive head sculpts, the Asgardian goddess has intricate sculpting on her costume as well as on the helmeted head. Hela’s second head also features a great likeness to Cate Blanchett. Definitely one of the most impressive Marvel Legends released for 2017.
6. Angela– Guardians of the Galaxy Legends– (Hasbro)- Formerly a Spawn character. Neil Gaiman famously sold the rights to the character to Marvel a few years back, now an Asgardian goddess, Angela was the fan’s choice winner for inclusion in the line and the killer details on this figure make this a must-have!
5. Dazzler– X-Men Legends– (Hasbro)- The other X-Men Legends on this list is the disco queen herself- Dazzler! Dazzler comes bedecked in her disco outfit complete with her disco ball necklace, flared bell-bottoms, roller-skates and popped collar making this a unique and striking figure for the shelf- and let’s not forget the Farrah hair!
4. Emperor’s Royal Guard– Star Wars: The Black Series– (Hasbro)- It’s amazing how something so simple looking can make such a striking toy, but that is exactly the case with this red clad army builder figure from Star Wars. The Imperial Royal Guard has an impressive head sculpt and comes armed with two weapons and is fully articulated under his cloth robes.
3. Supergirl– Supergirl TV– (DC Collectibles)- The Mattel Multiverse version made my list last year, but this DC Collectibles one blows that one out of the water. Experiencing her own renaissance, Supergirl’s TV show has proven quite popular on the CW, which brings us to this figure. Early prototypes of the figure didn’t have the greatest likeness to actress Melissa Benoist, but the released sculpt is uncannily her and would make any Supergirl fan happy.
2. Jaina Solo– Star Wars The Black Series (Hasbro)- Jaina Solo was another fan’s choice figure and the daughter of Han Solo and Leia Organa from the Expanded Universe novels may not be canon to Lucasfilm/Disney anymore, but you can’t help but like this black clad figurine who bears resemblance to both Harrison Ford and Carrie FIsher and is armed to the hilt to take on the bad guys.
1. The Reaper– DC Multiverse (Mattel)- One of the most out-of-left field choices for a figure, the Reaper was a Batman villain introduced in Batman: Year Two and has only appeared in a handful of stories since then. The Reaper features a spiked red costume, a silvery skull mask and a pair of interchangeable scythe hands and is just one amazing looking toy. Obscurity, sculpt and just sheer cool design work makes the Reaper my personal best for 2017.
Honorable Mentions: Vixen and White Canary (DC Collectibles), General Leia Organa (Hasbro), Jessica Jones (Hasbro).
Favorite Hot Toys figure: Wonder Woman from Batman v Superman. Some may disagree with how good or bad the likeness is to Gal Gadot. I personally loved it and she was well worth the wait. (As was the Wonder Woman movie.)
Favorite statue: Black Canary Premium Format (Sideshow Collectibles) I never imagined owning a figure of this size and expense, but Dinah Laurel Lance happens to be my favorite character of all time, so I knew I needed to get this for the collection. The sculpt is perfection as is the use of the mixed media on this figure such as the fishnets and leather jacket. Definitely the highlight of my collection this year.
That’s it for me this year- catch you in Val’s Toy Chest next year! Happy New Year!
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