As I mentioned in last week’s installment, we have the Lloyd Kaufman and Troma action figure signing coming up this Thursday night 8/10/17 starting at 6PM. Director Brandon Bassham will be joining him. For the action figure signing there will be two variations of the Toxic Avenger toy, one based on the movie, the other based on the short-lived Fox animated series, Toxic Crusaders. Super 7 has crafted these figures in a 3 3/4″ retro style and these are officially part of the ReAction line.
For those unfamiliar with the ReAction line, Super 7 started it with the retro Alien line based on the figures that were slated to be produced by Kenner in the late 70s. Shortly after that, Super 7 and Funko teamed up and we got ReAction figures from all sorts of licenses like A Nightmare on Elm Street, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Halloween, The Karate Kid, The Goonies and The Dark Crystal. The Dark Crystal and the Golden Girls San Diego Comic-Con set ended up being the last of the ReAction figures to be released by Funko. Super 7 has some cool licenses of their own for the line which we are planning on getting including Masters of the Universe, Street Fighter II and Hellboy. Stay tuned to this column and I will let you know when these are coming in!
Speaking of Funko, there have been quite a few new items in store recently, including the full 2nd series of South Park POPs, some new Star Wars: Rogue One POPs and restocks on some horror favorites including Regan, Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers. I doubt these will last til Halloween, so get them while you can.
Spider-Man: Homecoming Legends have been pretty hot and we’re down to just a handful of pieces. We should also be getting a couple more X-Men Legends cases in this week. No word just yet on Thor Legends, but I hope it is soon. That Hela figure looks amazing! Anyway- that’s all for me this time. Don’t forget to come down for our Toxic Avenger signing- see you next time!
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