Not more than a week after we received the Spider-Man Marvel Legends wave, another Legends wave from the fine folks at Hasbro has dropped. Fans of the Merc with the Mouth can now rejoice with this latest series dedicated to him and his associated characters. Deadpool series 1 features several X-Force characters in addition to two versions of Deadpool himself, including a classic 90’s version and an X-Force grey and black version. X-23, Domino and a very classic early 90’s looking Cable are all set for release in this latest series. (Note: most of the series has since sold out) Deathlok and Paladin make up the remainder of this initial Deadpool set. Collect 6 out of 7 figures and you can build one of the members of Canadian super-team Alpha Flight- Sasquatch! Each figure comes fully accessorized and has multiple points of articulation. With a sequel to his hit film scheduled for later this year, Deadpool definitely deserves a wave or two of Marvel Legends. Deadpool Series 2 will be out later in the year and will feature a few different Deadpool versions, Lady Deadpool, Bishop, Omega Red and a build-a -figure of Sauron.
Hasbro’s other big toyline is Star Wars Black, which will have some new figures due out within the next month or so- characters from the forthcoming Solo movie including Donald Glover’s Lando are part of the series. Grand Moff Tarkin, the Jawa and Death Squad Commander are also in this case assortment.
Stranger Things Series 2 from McFarlane Toys are out this week, including Dustin and Lucas figures.
I don’t regularly discuss graphic novels in this column, but there is one book releasing this week that I am excited for. Originally released after Crisis on Infinite Earths and between her original run and George Perez’s now-classic run, was the Legend of Wonder Woman miniseries. Collected for the first time ever, the Kurt Busiek and Trina Robbins story evokes the classic Golden Age stories of William Moulton Marston both in art and storytelling and also served as a farewell to the Diana that had been active during the Golden and Silver Ages.
That’s all this time- see you soon!
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