It seems like Hasbro is releasing a Marvel Legends series once a month these days. We are all just recovering from the Avengers: Infinity War Series 1 figures as well as the Marvel Riders sets, not to mention that Black Panther Legends released in January. What’s upon us now, you ask? Just the latest wave of Spider-Man Legends. What’s in this newest set? Well- the set includes a modern Spider-Woman, Spider-Punk, Mysterio, Gwenpool, Lasher, Prowler and Spider-Man Noir. Get all the figures and you can build a figure of the Lizard. I know a few of you have been looking for these, so definitely check in with me if you want any of these figures for your collection. Marvel Legends has been quite prolific this year with several highly- requested figures as well as some gorgeously sculpted figures on the way. If things go as planned, the next Marvel wave to release will be the Deadpool wave with the Sasquatch Build-a-Figure. Future series include another round of Avengers: Infinity War, Venom, Deadpool Wave 2 and X-Men Series 3.
Moving on to other new toys, Diamond and Mezco have teamed up for another Previews Exclusive 1:12 figure. This one is the X-Force Wolverine to go along with the previously released Deadpool in his grey and black outfit. Wolverine will be on our shelves Wednesday. There are also some DC and Marvel restocks on the way- Cyborg, Deathstroke and Swamp Thing from DC Icons, DCTV Reverse Flash, Hawkgirl, Firestorm and Martian Manhunter and Marvel Select Venom, Spidey, Thor, Hulk and Deadpool are all due in. We also have some Bandai Pacific Rim figures coming in from their Robot Spirits line.
Other recent releases include the Friday the 13th Camp Crystal Lake accessory set from NECA, Hot Toys Grand Moff Tarkin from Star Wars with an excellent Peter Cushing likeness and various Funko product including a shared EE exclusive Life Aquatic Vynl set.
Anyhoo- that’s all for me this week- see you all next time!
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