1990- I was 11 years old and had already become an avid toy collector. One of the figure series that debuted that year was Toy Biz’s Marvel Super Heroes line. I was already familiar with Toy Biz product from the previous year as they’d released the Batman and DC Super Heroes line which tied into the Tim Burton film. I remember first seeing the Marvel figures at my childhood comic book shop, Big Bang Books, which was located near Ditmars Boulevard. I wasn’t a huge Marvel fan but the figures looked nice and I definitely wanted a Spider-Man figure as I’ve always had a soft spot for him specifically. I eventually started collecting all of the Marvel figures including the following year’s X-Men line. Why am I talking about Toy Biz, you ask?
2017- Hasbro has a hit on their hands with their 40th Anniversary Star Wars line, which put several of the original characters(now in 6″ scale) on vintage style cardbacks, evoking nostalgia for those who remembered the original Star Wars 3 and 3/4″ line. Hasbro then decides to go another step further and shows off the very cool retro inspired Marvel Legends line at San Diego Comic Con. Based on the old Toy Biz packaging, Hasbro has issued six characters as part of this inaugural line of Retro Marvel Legends. These figures are scheduled to arrive this week and include the following: Black Widow with pistols, Captain America with a shield throwing effect hand, Iron Man with boot thrusters, The Punisher with his combat weapon and alternate head, Spider-Man with pizza slice and interchangeable heads and a brown costume Wolverine with unmasked and masked heads and with his iconic claws. The packaging on these is pretty awesome, though two of the characters in this line were never issued on the original grey and blue cards, as Wolverine was in the X-Men line, which had its own distinctive packaging and Black Widow had one figure in the 5″ line which was exclusive to a specific store. Despite that, these figures look pretty neat and I am definitely looking forward to them.
Some new Hot Toys are on their way with the releases of Netflix’s Punisher figure based on the likeness of Jon Bernthal, Ellen Ripley from the original Alien as played by Sigourney Weaver and Star Wars: Rogue One‘s Jyn Erso, based on Felicity Jones’ portrayal. Each figure will feature the usual Hot Toys standard of sculpting, painting and accessories and should be extremely popular. That Ripley figure looks amazing in my opinion, but I think all three are going to be good sellers.
This weekend is Halloween weekend(as the actual day is on a Tuesday this year), so have fun and don’t forget that we still have some cool horror stuff in stock to help with your celebration! Till next time!
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