It was an eventful weekend for yours truly as I took a trip out to Eternal Con at the Cradle of Aviation Museum in Garden City, Long Island with fellow FP employee Justin Bacolo. There’s also some toy news to share as we’ve received lots of new product with even more incoming. If you’re a DC toy fan, this is the week for you.
Firstly, let’s talk about Eternal Con. Eternal Con was a lot of fun. Held at the Cradle of Aviation Museum, Eternal Con wasn’t your average convention. The exhibits were open to the public while the show was going on, so you could take in the museum and the vendors. Food pricing onsite was fairly inexpensive, with the exception of drinks. Justin was there for legendary comics writer and former Marvel EIC Jim Shooter, while I was there to meet Elizabeth Henstridge aka Agent Jemma Simmons from Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD. Ms. Henstridge was a delight during my brief interaction with her. I couldn’t get any information on season 4 of the show as Elizabeth hasn’t begun filming for the next season yet.
After meeting Elizabeth, Justin and I headed to some of the panels that Eternal Con had to offer. The bigger panels were held in an IMAX theatre attached to the museum which is an awesome place for a panel session. Jim Shooter’s panel was great and I decided to stay for Brent Spiner’s. Brent was an amazing panelist as he hammed it up for the audience and took plenty of fan questions. He even did a spot-on impression of his fellow castmate Patrick Stewart. Once Mr. Spiner’s panel ended, I stayed for Elizabeth Henstridge’s panel which was mostly a discussion between her and the moderator about getting her role as Simmons. I then decided to venture upstairs again to see if I could ask Elizabeth a question about one of her upcoming projects but she had a line, so I decided to forego that and instead got a picture with Brent Spiner. I’ve been a massive Star Trek: The Next Generation fan since I was a teenager and to meet the man who played Data was an awesome moment.
Data and Simmons, pretty awesome weekend. My next con is in a couple of weeks and I cannot wait for that one, despite my not being a fan of Arrow anymore. Yes, I will be at the rescheduled Heroes and Villains Fan Fest. All is not lost as Katie Cassidy, Caity Lotz, Ciara Renee, Katrina Law and Willa Holland will all be there so I can get my dose of girl power, especially my Black Canary.
As far as toys this week: Suicide Squad POPs have started to arrive. We have the Shirtless Joker, two versions of Deadshot, Katana, Harley Quinn, Rick Flag, Boomerang, and Killer Croc. We’ve also received the Iron Man Mark 40 from Hot Toys. Music parody lovers rejoice as Weird Al Yankovic‘s first ever 8″ Action Figure has been released from NECA. Finally, DC Collectibles is back on track with new releases from the ICON line. First time figure Atomica joins Superman, Aquaman, and Harley Quinn in this latest wave. These should be awesome figures if the previous series is anything to go by.
That’s it for me this week, catch you guys next time!