Hi there- plenty of figures coming in this week including a ton of merchandise from a certain female-led comic book movie coming out next weekend. DC is the main focus of this week’s column as we have four all-new DCTV figures hitting our shelves this week and the aforementioned Wonder Woman product as well. Let’s dig right in, shall we?
By the time you read this column, Supergirl and The Flash will have aired their season finales, with Arrow‘s episode being on later tonight. What better way to spend the hiatus of all the series than with action figures of several of the characters seen on our small screens either week after week or on special guest star occasions. Two of the figures fit the first criteria while the other two fit the latter. Who’s joining the CW TV cast this week in plastic? Glad you asked! Hailing from her very own show, Supergirl and Martian Manhunter both have figures dropping this week and each features several points of articulation and are based on their appearances on TV. Supergirl features the likeness of actress Melissa Benoist and should be a popular one. Meanwhile…over on Arrow, two of the fourth season’s most memorable guest stars are here to help build your live-action DC Universe with the arrival of the Vixen and John Constantine action figures. Vixen is based on her appearance in the season 4 episode, “Taken” and features the likeness of Megalyn Echikunwoke who plays the Mari McCabe version of the character. (The version of Vixen seen on Legends of Tomorrow and played by Maisie Richardson-Sellers is the made for TV grandmother of Mari, Amaya Jiwe.) John Constantine, whose show originated on NBC was allowed to appear on the “Haunted” episode of Arrow Season 4 to help Ollie and Laurel bring Sara Lance’s soul back to her body. Played by the delightful Matt Ryan, John was definitely a significant presence during his one-off appearance. Both figures though based on live-action appearances also tie in to the CW’s streaming animated series of Vixen, whose first two “seasons” of episodes is also releasing on DVD and Blu-Ray this week, as well as the forthcoming Constantine animated show which hasn’t revealed a release date as of yet.
Wonder Woman is coming out next week to theatres and I couldn’t be more enthused about it. We’ve already received the Multiverse figures in the past and will be restocking all four of those later this week. (To refresh your memories- Cloaked Wonder Woman, Diana of Themyscira, Queen Hippolyta and Steve Trevor are all part of the wave and feature parts to build Ares). Coming soon are the following items courtesy of Mattel- different doll assortments including Wonder Woman in her costume, as Diana Prince in her blue dress with sword, with a horse, and a more traditional deluxe Barbie edition, as well as a Queen Hippolyta doll with horse. As far as action figures go, there will also be a deluxe 12″ Multiverse figure of Wonder Woman which is absolutely stunning and includes snap on effects to make it look like she is deflecting bullets off her bracelets. Definitely an exciting time to be a fan of the Amazing Amazon.
There is also a Star Wars wave hitting shelves this week- it isn’t the second series of 40th Anniversary figures though- this time it’s wave 11 of Star Wars Black- who’s in this wave? K-2So is back for those who missed him the first time around as well as Director Krennic from Rogue One. The four new figures in the line span all three of the original trilogy as well as one of the prequel films. From the Phantom Menace comes Liam Neeson’s Qui-Gon Jinn as a poseable 6″ figure, while A New Hope gives us the Tusken Raider, who will also make an appearance in series 2 of the vintage carded 40th Anniversary series. The Empire Strikes Back gives us a figure of Mr Billy Dee Williams himself- as the suave Lando Calrissian. Lando is definitely going to be a popular one in this store. Finally from Return of the Jedi, the Emperor’s Royal Guard will make their 6″ debut and these look SWEET! I’ve always been drawn to this particular design as it is so simple yet awesome, plus they are attired in my favorite color- so huge win for me!
Anyway- hope you’ve enjoyed reading this week- see you next time!
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