Over the weekend I attended my second Heroes and Villains Convention which mainly features guests from the CW DC TV series, though they also include Gotham and Agents of SHIELD castmembers with the occasional DC or Marvel movie actor thrown in for good measure. Longtime readers of this column know of my love/hate relationship with Arrow. I gave up watching the show back in 2016 after the show decided to kill off the Dinah Laurel Lance version of Black Canary which is still in effect and this year added a new version named after Dinah Drake, even though they had also introduced Laurel’s doppelganger, Black Siren. Anyway, Katie Cassidy who portrayed Laurel Lance got rehired as a series regular and will be back on the forthcoming sixth season. So I will be watching come October to see where Black Siren’s character is going. All that being said, I thoroughly enjoyed last year’s Heroes and Villains event held in the Meadowlands Convention Center and wrote about it in this very column. I got a great deal on tickets this year and decided to attend a single day this time around. As it turns out, attending just one day caused me to miss out on meeting the fabulous Ming-Na Wen(aka Agent Melinda May from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D./Chun-Li from the original Street Fighter film) on Saturday, which was her only day to appear. I still had a lovely time on Sunday, however. Heading over with fellow FP staffers Julia and Drew, as well as my friend Kim, the majority of us had definite agendas to fulfill at the show. Julia got to meet Candice Patton who portrays Iris West on The Flash and she had a great time doing so, Kim got Echo Kellum from Arrow, Carlos Valdes from The Flash and David Mazouz and Sean Pertwee from Gotham. I had two goals- the first was to get the Icon Heroes Black Canary statue signed by Katie Cassidy, while the other was to meet former Superman/current Atom, Brandon Routh.
One of my friends/a friend of the store’s, John got an Arrow cast photo that he generously asked me to be a part of. The full cast photos very much resemble a class photo, but they are fairly cool considering the amount of people you get in there. That was definitely a highlight of my day and now a cherished memory. As far as Katie and Brandon, both were amazing. Katie took a video of my statue which I guess she hadn’t seen in person before and put it up as an Instagram story after she signed it for me. I got a photo with Katie after a brief chat and bid her adieu, she was as nice as ever.
Brandon Routh has been on my shortlist of celebrities I’ve wanted to meet and he did not disappoint. We chatted briefly and he was super personable and definitely one of the nicest actors I’d ever gotten to meet. I got a signed Atom photo and a picture with him as well. All-in-all it was a wonderful experience and I’d say if you like any of the CW DC series(or Gotham or Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), definitely consider checking this convention out.
Those waiting for Hot Toys Wonder Woman to arrive- she should finally be here within the next couple of weeks, along with the remainder of our Harley Quinn and Luke Skywalker Hot Toys. Deadpool from Mezco’s 1:12 line is also imminent and should sell well considering Deadpool figures always go fast. R2-D2 from the Force Awakens arrived this week along with Sideshow’s newest version of Freddy Krueger from A Nightmare on Elm Street 3.
Saturday will be Batman Day at the Planet, with sales on Batman books, GNs and Comics.
That’s all folks-see you next time!
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