Three years ago I wrote a scathing opinion piece which I only published on our online blog about how Arrow was dead because they had killed off Dinah Laurel Lance aka the Black Canary on the show. I quit Arrow that week and swore never to watch it again. That didn’t stick, because they eventually brought Katie Cassidy back as Laurel for several episodes as a guest star during season 5 where she portrayed several different versions of the character. This included the Black Siren character that was originally introduced on the Flash as the Earth 2 Laurel Lance. This Black Siren looked like Canary and even had her metahuman Sonic Scream but was portrayed as a villainess. She would become a series regular again starting with season 6. As of this week’s episode, Dinah Laurel Lance of Earth 2 has officially renounced her criminal ways and become the Black Canary, though we have only so far seen her as such in the flashforwards they are using this season. While Arrow has annoyed me many times over the years, I am cautiously optimistic about these last 14 episodes that will end the series run since season 8 is the final season. Anyway, for the first time in years, I am excited for Arrow again.
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