By Unkiedev
At an undisclosed time in the undisclosed past I had embarked upon an epoch entitled “Comic Book Ideas Lying About on the Launch- Pad of Neglect” or some such. This article was about the heaps of cash to be made by securing the licensing rights to certain comic book properties that have been unpublished forever or far too long ago. I bring this up because A) I have more ideas and B) I have no money to secure the rights myself. May the comic book Gods smile upon the ideas contained within:
UNKIEDEV’s Guide to the Best Available Comic Book Licensors In Town!
1) Alf
They haven’t published an Alf comic since the year of our Lord 1992. I think the world is ready for some young enterprising comic book house (IDW I’m Looking at you) to grasp the reigns of retro and give the world what it wants: An all ages, post modern approach to the Alien Life Form who lodged with the Tanner family known as Alf.
Graphic depictions of Cat consumption and the grim and gritty realities of dealing with an alien life form would make for excellent reading and sales. I want to see ALF, an Alien from the Planet Melmack deal with Menopause. I want to see an alien life form figure out a way to deal with his addiction to huffing Pine-sol. I want to see Alf react to the Greenbay Packers victory.
Currently IDW is doing a “Zombie Invasion” storyline with their other licensed properties, such as G.I. Joe, Ghostbusters and Transformers. All I can say is: “Alf vs. Zombies?” Aw HECK yeah!
2) Howard the Duck
Marvel owns the rights to one of comicdome’s most celebrated, inspirational and controversial curmudgeons. Why does this Mallard of Malaise not have his own comic book? There are SEVERAL good reasons.
Howard was an amazing comic featuring a cartoon dick complaining about modern society circa 1975. Howard’s dark humor and postmodern griping served as an inspiration to generations of future tastemakers. This is both great and self-defeating.
You see, when what you’re selling is critique there are always tongues sharper than your own. Poor Steve Gerber, the creator of Howard the Duck who celebrates his own “Three years Dead” Anniversary this Thursday, was a true visionary to our modern, snarky times.
Steve knew that things were going to get way out of our control fast and only a cartoon duck could remind us of what was important. Trouble was we learned it so dang well that we’re too sophisticated to read the exploits of a doom slinging duck and his alarmist reviews of our culture. We don’t need to read about a post-post-modern future where no one needs anybody and technology outstrips humanity. We’re living it.
3) Mr. T
Why can’t anyone keep a good Mr. T comic afloat? It’s a dang mystery!
See ya’ next week!