Good things come to he who waits. In this case, “he” was waiting for a series of bad decisions in the X-line to right themselves. After fighting Avengers and Inhumans and their younger selves, the patience of X-fans was rewarded when the line was recently revitalized and made, in fact, very good. X-Mens Red & Astonishing lead a stellar lineup, with books like Mr. & Mrs. X, Multiple Man, and X-23 filling out the larger universe. But if it still felt to you like something was missing, wait no longer… for the return of UNCANNY X-MEN is here!

After years of spin-offs, colorized X-books, and a brigade of random adjectives, the flagship book of Xavier’s merry mutants is back! And it is not interested in pulling any punches. With a supersized first issue leading the way, a new path will be blazed through the X-world. One that will be unfolding weekly for ten weeks, until we finally reach whatever climactic end we have in store. Labeled “Disassembled,” this storyline is sure to bring us into a bold new future.
The creative team on UNCANNY X-MEN is a who’s who of the X-line. It is truly a dream team. Our writers: Kelly Thompson (Mr. & Mrs. X, West Coast Avengers), Matthew Rosenberg (Multiple Man, New Mutants), & Ed Brisson (Extermination, Old Man Logan). Our artists: Mahmud Asrar (X-Men Red), R.B. Silva (X-Men Blue), Pere Perez (Rogue & Gambit), & Yildiray Cinar (Weapon X). The people that made the X-line so good are the very same folks taking it into the future.

With a beloved team both in UNCANNY X-MEN and behind it, I believe this is going to be a run for the ages. We don’t know much about where all of this is going, but let’s just enjoy the ride, shall we? UNCANNY X-MEN #1 is on stands now.
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