We’re giving away FREE Tower Chronicles prints, SIGNED by Matt Wagner and Simon Bisley, to three of our Twitter pals today. Get in on the RT’ing action! Contest ends tonight at 9pm EDT
Jeff Ayers is a NYC native and the General Manager of Forbidden Planet where he has worked since 1995. Email links, stories, news, tips, gossip, secrets of the universe to: jeff@fpnyc.com Follow him on Twitter (@jeffayers and @fpnyc) or find him on Facebook using the link below.
Happy Memorial Day, people of the USA… even if you’re not Memorian! Forbidden Planet is open from 9am until 10pm today. Hope to see you here! We’re running a special giveaway contest on Twitter as […]
You’re following us on Twitter, right? If not I suggest you begin today- we’re currently running our second contest for FREE comic books this week. You’ve got until tomorrow morning at 10am to jump on […]
Twitter is the new favorite thing that everyone uses, it can often be mundane, stalker-y and hilarious. Below is a list of some our favorite Twitter users who also happen to be comic creators. A […]