It’s been a bit since The Daily Planet presented any news bytes on its most anticipated movie of 2010, so let’s check in and see what’s shaking!
- Empire Magazine’s new issue features, among other geeky pursuits, a TRON piece and two covers featuring Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedland) on a Light Cycle…
The cover story has insight from Legacy director Joe Kosinski, and the original’s director and TRON creator Steven Lisberger. To add sauce to goose, Empire‘s offering exclusive stills, including this one of the reclusive Kevin Flynn…
The MTV Movies Blog has an on-set interview with actress Olivia Wilde, who plays Cora, the female lead and an acolyte of Flynn, and the lady seen lounging around for a heartbeat in the film’s trailer, a heartbeat that set many a dork’s tongue-a-waggin.
Question: Do you have your own entire storyline, or are you just there to support the men?
Wilde: Oh god, no! I’m not just there to support the men, which is what’s so fantastic about this film. I often say that, you know, the reason you see so many … actresses taking television roles is because there are more roles where you can play an independent woman, not just someone’s sister or girlfriend and it’s become rare in film, I think, to play an independent woman. This is one of the films where I get to do that. So, to answer your question, thank god no, I’m not just there!
- Got $35, 000 lying around? Parker Brothers Custom Choppers are customing five working, street legal Light Cycles, though they appear to have all been sold.