Tonight! Horror Boobs presents Death Spa at Alamo Drafthouse Yonkers!

Screw the Oscars, come out and party with our very own Matt D and the Horror Boobs crew! Tonight at the Alamo Drafthouse in Yonkers delve into the depths of the Video Vortex with a VHS screening of the analog only classic Death Spa!


March 2nd 7PM 1$
Horror Boobs presents Death Spa
Alamo Drafthouse Yonkers
2548 Central Park Avenue, Yonkers, New York 10710

Yes you read that correct, this screening is only one dollar!

Click HERE to get tickets!

Join the facebook event page HERE.

VIDEO VORTEX unearths and celebrates ultra-obscure, ultra-bizarre movies from the fringes of the universe. And beyond. Projected from VHS tapes that play through a VCR on stage, every movie is carefully curated to potentially be the greatest thing that you’ve never seen. This is 100% pure analog beauty, blown up on the big screen and ready to melt your brain. Horror! Comedy! Action! Computers! Gore! Rap! Nerds! Turkish people dressing up like superheroes! This is the surreal, hilarious, and singular experience that VIDEO VORTEX delivers.

Michael owns the Star Body Health Spa. It’s a very futuristic place, because “the computer runs the spa.” Years earlier, Michael’s wheelchair-bound wife died in an inferno. Today, the spa is plagued by an unseen supernatural force, which causes graphic gore, full-frontal nudity, and leotards to erupt in flames. A guy’s face falls off while making out with a girl. Another guy gets ripped apart by a workout machine. A girl BLOWS UP while staring at a mirror. Questions arise. Why was Michael’s new girlfriend burned by the steam room, and why is she the only person who wears bandages for the entire film? Clearly, other people have sustained injuries that also require bandages. The detective asks, “How does a goddamn diving board just COME LOOSE?,” after a girl dies because of a faulty diving board. During a costume party at the spa, Michael is besieged with paranormal researchers and an in-law with a secret. A female detective says, “Aw, fuck this computer shit!” But you won’t say that. Because DEATH SPA is the irrational, workout-themed NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET rip-off that you’ve been waiting your whole life to see. (Joseph A. Ziemba)

Tickets only $1! Hosted by Matt Desiderio (Horror Boobs).

About Matt Desiderio 273 Articles
Matt D has been a manager, buyer and event coordinator at Forbidden Planet since 2005 or maybe it was 2006. Who can remember? We didn't even have computers back then. A native New Yorker from the borough of Queens, raised on Sunday Funnies, Monster Movies and Rock N' Roll. What better place to end up than Forbidden Planet where he can use his position to influence the city's pop culture. A responsibility he takes seriously more now than ever due to New York's consistent change for the worse. The last thing NYC needs is another cafe or bank so thank whatever it is you believe in that Forbidden Planet is here to stay. Beyond the walls of FP, Matt is a publicly recognized expert in cult and horror cinema with a focus on VHS. He is the founder of Horror Boobs a collective that books screenings and distributes weirdo films, the producer of the documentary Adjust Your Tracking: The Untold Story of the VHS collector, the publisher of the Blood Video zine, and is regrettably responsible for resurrecting the career of schizophrenic Shot-on Video director Carl J Sukenick. E-mail him at Follow him on various social media at @horrorboobs