The following originally ran in the Weekly Planet 9/19/18.
For months, Marvel has been preparing for the return of the undying Canuck, Wolverine. Two stand-alone issues, an Infinity centerpiece, countless cameos, and four whole miniseries have built up to the triumphant return of the former head of the Jean Grey school. After years of absence and a whole year of preamble, Logan finally returns this week in Return of Wolverine #1*. But why would I talk about that when I can talk about a Phoenix-hosting James Howlett returning at the end of the world to stand toe to toe with All-Father Thor in THOR #5?
For six years, a clap of thunder has been heard in the distance. A call from the gods unto man that a great tale was being told in the grand halls of every comic store across the globe. That a man, working with some of the most talented artists and craftspeople in the House of Ideas, was forging a run of Thor books that would go down as one of the very greatest in the character’s rich history. This man would change the life and shape of Thor for years to come, leaving an immortal mark on the wielder of the mighty Mjolnir. Beginning with Thor: God of Thunder, leading on to Thor, Thors, the Mighty Thor, the Unworthy Thor, and now back to an adjectiveless Thor, it’s a millenia-spanning saga of the life of one hero, the death of another, and the constant battle for the soul of Midgard.

The man behind it all is Jason Aaron (Southern Bastards, Avengers). And he shows no signs of slowing down.
Aaron is Marvel’s current king. Each story he writes feels like one for the history books. He makes titanic struggles for the fate of humanity feel intimate, achingly emotional. With The Avengers, he’s blazing a new future for Marvel’s favorite heroes while rewriting its history at the same time. The history of mutants, superheroes, and planet Earth itself will never be the same. If it’s a story he’s telling, then it is one absolutely worth reading.
The flaming THOR #5 and this whole tremendous arc for the God of Thunder has been drawn with otherworldly beauty by Christian Ward (Black Bolt, ODY-C). His is jaw-dropping work. Lovingly rendered panels that form stunning stories that are unmistakably made by his hand. Books are structured around the way his art moves. If Ward has not yet been on your RADAR, dive back into those trades for Black Bolt or ODY-C. His art is more than worth the price of admission.
Telling once again the tale of All-Father Thor at the end of the Earth (or, rather, its new dawn), this week’s THOR #5 adds another tremendous wrinkle to the proceedings. A short, hairy, flaming wrinkle… The Wolverine. Imbued with the power of the Phoenix Force, the true nature of this Canadian of the Eternal Flame is not yet known. You’ll have to read this tremendous issue to find out. THOR #5 is now on shelves and should be on yours as well.
*And, yes, if you’ve been waiting for the Hunt For Wolverine to be over, you can finally read Return of Wolverine #1 this week.
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