The Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art here in NYC is running an exhibition of the original art for the entire issue of Amazing Spider-Man #50, as pencilled by John Romita Jr. with inks by Scott Hanna, and to kick this puppy into gear they’re hosting an evening with Spidey editors past and present.
In honor of our exhibition of original art from the entire issue of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #50 by J. Michael Straczynski, John Romita Jr. and Scott Hanna, MoCCA presents an unprecedented roundtable discussion of the past quarter-century of all things Peter Parker with the editors who have helmed the title since the Reagan Administration! Axel Alonso (editor of ASM #50), Tom Brevoort, Danny Fingeroth, and MoCCA Trustee Jim Salicrup join current AMAZING editor Steve Wacker for the panel chat and audience Q&A. Moderated by MoCCA Trustee and current Spidey scribe Fred Van Lente.
594 Broadway, Suite 401
(btwn. Houston and Prince)
Thursday, February 11, 2010
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Admission: $5
Free for MoCCA Members
In addition to this MoCCA’s also running The Art of Archie Comics (both thru 2/28). It’s only a few blocks from Forbidden Planet, so I encourage comic fans of all stripes to visit us both this coming Thursday.