A lot of cool things spun out of Comic Con, but given that we recommended you go shopping on Sunday, here are a few things we would love to pick up.
- Booster Gold fan club t-shirt [pictured above]. It looks like this was a giveaway at the con, and if that is so, that’s quite a giveaway. Doesn’t look like its on sale, but we figure its only a matter of time.
- Marvelman t-shirt. We’ve already said we love the hell out of this thing.
- Flynn Lives t-shirt. From the viral marketing campaign to Tron 2.
- Zombieland hand sanitizer. Because riding that NYC subway, you never know what kind of germs you may get. (via Agent M).
- “Daybreak” by Fabio Moon and Gabriel Ba. Very much so looking forward to this Vertigo Crime book.
- “Blastosaurus” by Richard Fairgray. Just seems like its going to be a stellar and fun read.
- Green Lantern: First Flight: The movie is getting great reviews from what I understand. It looks quite good.
- Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. I’ve reserved my copy. Have you?
I know, I know–I have a t-shirt problem.