This is it! “The Oz Effect” comes to an end this week in Action Comics #991. One last gorgeous lenticular cover to snatch up. One last chance to see how this will bleed into Doomsday Clock For Superman #1. And one final twist is definitely on the horizon. As gorgeous as this book has been, and as personal the stakes for Superman and the Kent family, this ending needs to hit a home run. Will it?
We do know a twist is coming. The solicits inform us that Jor-El may not be the enemy’s real name. Who is it then? Is it Ozymandias? Perhaps Superman from a far off future? Did Dan Jurgens decide he wanted to bring in Superboy Prime? Because when in doubt, assume the sniveling bad guy is Superboy Prime. I do and I tend to find a high success rate. Either way, Mr. Oz is set to make his last moves against the Man of Tomorrow. Superboy seems to be on his grandfather’s side. Will he convince Super Dad that they should in fact abandon the planet? Or will Superman find a way to convince his son that humanity always deserves their hope for a better future?
One of the best aspects of Superman’s adventures in this DC Rebirth era are that the stakes feel meaningful. Superman has become Pa Kent in many ways. The emotional conflicts within him over how his son will view his decisions has been mined for gold. With [REDACTED] standing before him as the true villain, will he finally get to punch someone? Or will he he be once again have to be the better man? And how does this all tie into the next mega story from DC Comics?
“The Oz Effect” is pushing Big Blue to the bring in a way unlike any story of the last year. Will he break?
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