Venom over here, Venom over there, now there’ll be Venom everywhere! The House of Ideas has gone symbiote crazy over their gooey black suited alien anti-hero (villain?). Don’t believe me? Check out the new event series, Venomized #1 out this week. What began in last year’s Venomverse enters a new phase where the stakes are higher. Of course, with a thirtieth anniversary this year and a movie coming out starring Tom Hardy, it’s not much of a surprise to see a Venom-centric event. It’s just, another one? So soon? Is it going to be worth it?
Venomverse was born out of the success of a gimmicky month of Venomized covers across a lot of Marvel titles. Now, though, Marvel’s going to stretch one event into two. Well, really, three. And, hey, Venomverse is a lot of fun for what it is. Since then, Venom’s been central in Spider-Man over course of its Venom Inc. storyline. Recently, there’s been a bit more exploration in a crossover with X-Men Blue in the Poison X arc, which brings us right up to Venomized #1.
Venom and the X-Men are still missing. The Poisons, a species that hungers for super-powered symbiotes and their hosts have picked the Marvel Universe as their next target. Their first stop? The Xavier Institute. What happens when Old Man Logan, Kitty Pryde, Colossus, and the others answer the knocking at their mansion’s door? A whole mess of trouble with extra large mouths and a probably breath that smells like money. Because Marvel’s trying to print money.
Venom is about to have a potentially banner year. The character’s never had more of a spotlight on him. Can he continue to hold onto the momentum that Marvel’s creative and marketing forces are driving him with? We’re going to find out this week when the next mega-Venom event kicks off in Venomized #1.
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