The return of Wolverine begins here. I mean, even though he’s already back. And came back with an Infinity Stone. Whatever, the point is that this week we start getting the answers to the mother of all mysteries: How did Wolverine, Logan, James Howlett of the Marvel 616 universe come back from the dead? The Hunt For Wolverine #1 will bring us the first pieces of the puzzle. How they’ll fit together is anybody’s guess right now.
There’s no shortage of Wolverines running around Marvel titles right now. Seriously, how many? X-23? Old Man Logan? Ultimate Wolverine’s kid? That’s freakin’ three right there! But now we’re going back to classic Coke. He’s the best there is at what he does. And what he does isn’t very nice. I’m of course referring to launching several spin-off series. That’s right folks, because this oversized one-shot is merely the beginning. The House of Ideas is going to spin us off into a bunch of different directions, well, four to be exact. From there all the threads of this mystery will come back to an as-yet-unannounced major project (a new Wolverine ongoing title).
On the one hand it’s exciting we’re finally going to learn the truth behind the most popular mutant’s return. On the other, will this massive one-shot be able to deliver a satisfying yarn without buckling under the weight of setting up four different series? The Reapers have been hired to capture the adamantium tomb that houses Wolverine’s corpse. Simple snatch job. Then all heck breaks loose! While the X-Men have finally come to terms with Logan’s death, they’ll learn a terrible secret that’ll pour salt into old wounds and launch many characters on an epic quest.
After this we’re promised four groups of characters will all be chasing down clues to be the first ones solving the mystery of Wolverine’s resurrection. How does the starting gun go off? Who will be the focal points on this journey? Can we get any straight answers in this book or will it be all set up and no satisfaction? We’re going to find out this week. Yeah, like you’re not interested? I dare you not to pick this comic up, bub.
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