Doomsday Clock #1 is a heck of a read. Having far exceeded the general reading public’s expectations, what’s next? This week we’ll find out how the events of the first issue build in Doomsday Clock #2! We’re being promised that Batman, Lex Luthor, and madmen in Gotham will be all over this one. Is this where we finally see Rorschach and the Dark Knight cross paths? Or dare I ask, Rorschach and The Question (sorry, dream booking the match here)? There’s a lot to get excited about and a lot of questions to get answers for. Fortunately, the promise of the first installment bodes well for what we’ll experience this New Release Day.
Geoff Johns and Gary Frank proved again why they’re a dream team in the first issue of this twelve-issue series. I think a special round of applause should go to Mr. Frank, who captured the best aspects of Dave Gibbons original work on the iconic Watchmen series while still making the book his own. For reals though, we basically just read Watchmen #13. Which was a smart way to enter into the most anticipated story in all of comics right now. Since the dawn of DC’s Rebirth era, we’ve seen how things are building in the DCU but now we have a glimpse of the other side’s path to this collision.
Dr. Manhattan is missing. The world is moments away from imminent military destruction. A man runs around wearing Rorschach’s mask. Not the original guy. New guy. Who seems to scare the heck out of the world’s most wanted man, Ozymandias. Who is the new Rorschach? The rumor mills are working overtime. Is it the psychiatrist from the original series? Maybe Val-Zod from the seemingly defunct Earth-2 timeline? Maybe a certain seminal character from the Milestone pantheon? Or someone wholly original? And what was up with Superman’s dreams? Did Dr. Manhattan straight up murder the Kents? WHAT’S GOING ON HERE?!?!
Only way to find out is to pick up the latest issue of Doomsday Clock this Wednesday. See you back here for more speculating and overreacting!
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