Clix Clix Boom
by Chris Troy Hey there FPNYC faithful, were you aware that Forbidden Planet has a small, yet awesome gaming section? Not of the video game variety (like there’s a shortage of Gamestops in Manhattan), but […]
by Chris Troy Hey there FPNYC faithful, were you aware that Forbidden Planet has a small, yet awesome gaming section? Not of the video game variety (like there’s a shortage of Gamestops in Manhattan), but […]
By Chris Troy I’ll be honest. Aside from Diamond on the DS, I really haved played too many Pokemon games since the original red/blue for the OG, moose-killing size Gameboy (EDITOR MORGAN’s NOTE- Now I […]
Yes you did just watch an X-Men First Class themed parody of the song Born This Way by Lady Gaga. Well done Warp Zone.
EDITOR: Please run this column LAST week, Thanks. – Unkiedev HEY! I’m BACK from THE FUTURE with an AMAZING preview of NEXT week’s comic books! Let’s be clear: if you are reading this column “on […]
Yes you love comics, but do you like comics about love? Do you LIKE like them, you know, more than as a friend? Comic books are usually about punching crime in the gonads, or being […]
By Chris Troy Alright, so it’s been a while FPNYC faithful (Stupid Internets!), but now we’re back at 100% and willing to give you, the reader, the latest news on FPNYC’s toy and collectibles department! […]
HEY! Comic Book day falls on my birthday this year! Yup, your ole’ Unkiedev will be turning an undisclosed number somewhere between twenty something and some combination of 30 and a few more. How to […]
Somebody killed all the good, fun, bright and new ideas in comic books. Is there anyone to save us? Holy Crap! A New Hellboy book?! Richard Corben, 70’s Heavy Metal Magazine favorite and erstwhile Hellboy […]
The good news is I’m no longer being held prisoner by Mermen. The bad news is I’m now being held prisoner by Magma Monsters. See, I started tunneling out of my barnacled cell using a […]
Buffy season 8 started out as an exciting new development in the history of comic books. Where Television had disappointed fans by ending a popular show, comic books would pick up the slack and give […]
Stan Lee had many astonishing insights as to what would sell comic books, not the least of which was to pander to his audience.
“If my merry band of Marvel marchers are nothing more than lily livered teenage freakazoids,” He must have thought, “Then I’ll make half the heroes in the pantheon of Marvel teenage milksops, too!” […]
The Week AFTER San Diego Comic Con is notoriously absent of whiz-bang-pow. The publishers limp out a few regular titles and hold their collective heads as the faint cobwebs of hangovers and sun-stroke fade into the routine of a regular work week. […]
From Deviant Art member gottabecarl : A friend of mine suggested one day that it would be cool to see the characters of Futurama as X-Men and so I drew him Fry as Cyclops. For […]
FIRST OFF, Galacta: Daughter of Galactus one shot is out this week by Empowered creator Adam Warren. I expect you all to buy a copy. Two copies if you can. Adam is one of the brightest talents in the biz. […]
Superman’s spit-curl, Wolverine’s muttonchops, Professor X’s chrome dome; Comic books have their fair share of iconic hairdos, but with a multitude of pan-dimensional weirdos running around in spandex and capes, it also has its fair share of hair based powers, hairy characters and even a few animals to get things REALLY hairy. […]
As April 1st approaches I’d like to highlight two books this week which will focus on the absurd, the silly and the wild. I’ll break it into two crowds, the Comic’s Journal elite and the Wizard reading masses. […]
Last week’s reprieve from the comics publishing schedule meant we could save up our ducats for this week’s bumper crop! Of course, we spent that money on New Years beer and Karaoke. Sigh, time to break the piggie bank! […]
The press corp. of the comic book world are a team of hard drinking, hard living SOBs. A gathering of these stalwart gossipmongers can look like an assemblage of WWII veterans, only uglier. Take Myra Hassleback, for example, the woman who broke the news about the Disney/Marvel merger at the cost of three of her own fingers, or consider the case of the late, great Internet reporter who smuggled the unedited Frank Cho Hulk 100 cover out of Marvel. Known only as d34dp001420, his real name and final resting place are still unknown to this day. […]
Forbidden Planet would like to congratulate Devin T. “Unkiedev” Quin for his nomination for the Pulitzer Prize in the “Worst Crossword Puzzle” category. All of us here at the Forbidden Planet Weekly Planet wish Mr. Quin “The Best of Luck!” […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers