Let’s Settle This Emma Frost Thing Once and For All
The X-Men have forgotten Emma Frost. That’s not a snide comment about the state of the line or her not being on the team since The Worst Emma Frost Story of All Time was published […]
The X-Men have forgotten Emma Frost. That’s not a snide comment about the state of the line or her not being on the team since The Worst Emma Frost Story of All Time was published […]
I’ve got a fever. And the only prescription is to bury myself in an ice cold bath of War of the Realms tie-in books. Drown me. The War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men #1 Did […]
“Cyclops is nobody’s favorite.” You or someone you know has said this. And how deeply wrong you were, oh Mayor of Wrongville. Cyclops is THE centerpiece of X-Men. An official Marvel fan poll placed him […]
Jean Grey did her best But still X-Man cleaned the slate. All that’s left is Scott.
X-Man is Legion And he’s taking down our world. Armor made a ball.
Legion’s possession Made Madrox attack his friends. Mansion got angel’d.
Madrox gave a speech Then attacked the A-listers He doomed us all, huh?
Good things come to he who waits. In this case, “he” was waiting for a series of bad decisions in the X-line to right themselves. After fighting Avengers and Inhumans and their younger selves, the […]
Uncanny X-men #600 Brian Michael Bendis, Sara Pichelli, Mahmud Asrar, Stuart Immone, Kris Anka, Chris Bachalo, David Marquez, and Frazer Irving. Marvel $5.99 If you want to know if Uncanny X-men is worth the $6, […]
Uncanny X-men 35 Brian Michael Bendis, Valerio Schiti, Richard Isanove Marvel $3.99 Okay real talk (about fictional characters) time: This is a dumb comic. I realize that there has to be some suspension of belief […]
Uncanny X-men #34 Brian Michael Bendis/Kris Anka/Marte Gracia Marvel $3.99 As I’ve said plenty of times in the past, the strongest issues of Brian Michael Bendis’ Uncanny X-men run have been the done in ones. UXM […]
Uncanny X-men #33 Brian Michael Bendis/Kris Anka/ Antonio Fabela Marvel $3.99 Note: Despite Kitty Pryde and Magik being the focus of the issues, there is zero actual dates in this issue. This particular issue works […]
Invincible #118 Robert Kirkman/Ryan Ottley/Jason Howard/Jean-Francois Beaulieu Image $.25 CHRIS FACT: If you offer a comic that I have the SLIGHTEST interest in for under $1, I will buy it. Invincible is a book I’ve […]
Hey look at that, some reviews, but on time! We live such a brave new world! Also this is totally not me trying to get as much writing done before the Super Bowl as possible, […]
Happy Whatever you’re celebrating Forbidden Planet Faithful! Let it be known that I’m writing this article instead of playing several Blizzard video games because I love you (and money). Hawkeye Vs Deadpool #3 Gerry Duggan/Matteo […]
It’s a rare week for me, one where more trades of note dropped than books I buy, thanks to scheduling and delays. So welcome to the article where I dedicate 500 words to a single […]
Superior Foes Of Spider-Man #16 Nick Spencer/Steve Lieber/Rachelle Rosenberg Marvel $3.99 It’s funny. I’ve been lamenting over the fact that SUP FOES is ending for months, but if this issue was the last one, I’ld […]
Edge of Spider-Verse #2 Jason Latour/Robbi Rodriguez/Rico Renzi Marvel $3.99 As someone who got into comics when he was younger due to Spider-Man, it’s funny how very little I actually read about the Wall-Crawler these […]
Oh snap, it’s a two part review article for this week! I pulled a whopping 5 books , as well as a few trades, so expect ALL COMICS ALL THE TIME articles for the next […]
I could easily talk about the new issue of Hawkeye in 500+ words. But I won’t because this was a damn fine week for comics, and the other books that I pulled are also worth […]
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