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Comics and Graphic Novels

New Comics Continue!

EVERY comic book is a horror comic book from the perspective of a tree. Imagine if a plant handed you a book, with brightly colored versions of super-powered plants. Not so creepy… but what if the book was printed on MULCHED UP HUMAN SKIN?! […]

Comics and Graphic Novels

Megatron vs. Skeletor vs. Cobra Commander

In the world of competitive commerce there are “Good Bosses,” “Great Bosses,” and “Terrible Bosses.” THEN AGAIN, in the world of toys there are Megatron, Cobra Commander and Skeletor.

For those of you tuning in expecting a “Who would win in a fight” article I have disappointment both swift and harsh. Megatron. Those of you with slightly more on the ball, however, might have figured out where I’m going with this. […]


Tuesday Toys 2/2/10

Select toys uploaded to today… Battlestar Galactica Tigh & Gaeta 2-pack Accessories included:  sidearms, Dradis display, clipboard, and, of course… HOOCH! Transformers Revenge of the Fallen N.E.S.T. Battlefield Bumblebee & Infiltration Soundwave 2pk. Classic […]