Val’s Toy Chest- DC Gift Ideas
The big news for the week is that we should finally be getting in the brand new series of Mattel’s DC Multiverse action figures by the weekend. To refresh your memory and also give you […]
The big news for the week is that we should finally be getting in the brand new series of Mattel’s DC Multiverse action figures by the weekend. To refresh your memory and also give you […]
Avengers: Infinity War is making all sorts of splashes at the box office- and it has carried over to the Marvel Legends line as well- our recent shipment of Hasbro’s Avengers: Infinity War Marvel Legends […]
It has been a while since we’ve had a huge Funko shipment, but this week we’ve gotten some long-awaited POPs in. Let’s take a look at what is here! Avengers: Infinity War: We have already […]
DC Toys in my opinion, did not have the strongest showing at Toy Fair this year, but there were a few factors that influenced my feelings on this. This doesn’t mean I am not looking […]
We are just a few days away from Christmas, so here’s one last gift guide for y’all before the main event. This time, the focus will be on items from the license that is near […]
Doomsday will be coming courtesy of DC Comics in a couple of ways this week. First off will be the release of Doomsday Clock, which will incorporate the Watchmen into DC continuity. The second is […]
Over the weekend I attended my second Heroes and Villains Convention which mainly features guests from the CW DC TV series, though they also include Gotham and Agents of SHIELD castmembers with the occasional DC […]
Whelp! I was going to talk about all the new “Pacific Rim” swag we currently have in at FPNYC, but it seems that Jeff beat me to the punch. In his defense, I probably shouldn’t […]
Unkiedev’s Amazing Stuff By Unkiedev You need Secret Avengers #34 this week. I don’t read this book, I don’t usually think about this book, but it features Captain Britain, an alternate universe Avengers team of all-monster Avengers […]
I’m a huge Flash fan, and the fact that after leaving Adventure Comics Geoff Johns and his insanely talented counterpart, Francis Manapul will be moving onto a Flash ongoing has me doing a little dance […]
An interesting piece from the Hollywood Reporter creeped up yesterday, and it seems like no one has written a thing about it. Apparently, Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, and Marv Wolfman have been hired by Warner […]
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