New Comics and GNs You Don’t Want To Miss
Cripes Dangit! I’ve been swept out to sea by a freakin’ flash flood and have NO comic books to read this week. While you’re reading DC’s Action Comics #893 this week, featuring a drag-down, messed […]
Cripes Dangit! I’ve been swept out to sea by a freakin’ flash flood and have NO comic books to read this week. While you’re reading DC’s Action Comics #893 this week, featuring a drag-down, messed […]
Comic books are all the rage, and tomorrow’s star of the printed page will be the next big thing on the silver screen! Yep, Hollywood money is whipping up every able-bodied creator into a creative tizzy. WHO will create the next Iron Man, Batman and Jonah Hex so that they can be watered down into unrecognizable action figure grade silhouettes of themselves for a feckless public to mass consume? […]
Aspen comics have managed to publish a comic book WITHOUT a half-naked lady on the cover! This is an impressive feat for them, one sure to turn over some long standing bets with bookies keeping tabs on such things. […]
By Unkiedev When we grade comic books for resale quality we use terms like Mint, Near Mint, Fine and so on. Descriptions are necessary so we can quantify worth. These terms, however, cannot hope to […]
Superman’s spit-curl, Wolverine’s muttonchops, Professor X’s chrome dome; Comic books have their fair share of iconic hairdos, but with a multitude of pan-dimensional weirdos running around in spandex and capes, it also has its fair share of hair based powers, hairy characters and even a few animals to get things REALLY hairy. […]
A copy of Superman’s first appearance has sold for… ONE MILLION DOLLARS!!! The rare comic was sold by an anonymous party to an anonymous buyer (Shaq? Apparently not, as the sucker buyer is purported to […]
Comic books used to be about a variety of subjects, ranging from romance to real crime, from cowboys to caped crusaders. Now, outside of struggling independent comic books that are either ready-made screenplays for Hollywood exploitation or pornography (you know, the good stuff!) comic books are dominated by one subject and one audience: Super heroes for 30 year-olds. […]
American boys all go through a Superman phase, tying towels around their necks and leaping from tall things unto smaller things, often the ground. The fascination with being Superman is actually about self-improvement. The world is a big place, full of opportunity, where young gentlemen will want to prove themselves amongst their peers. They desire to be “the best.” […]
It was decided by a horde of crazed wood-elves that this final week of 2009 would see virtually NO NEW COMIC BOOKS. This can be a pain in the power-ring when you are a freelance comic book reporter in need of a good story. […]
I’ve been typing my fingers down to the bone these days, working on exciting new book and column ideas. One of the projects I’m passionate about is my new book of Super-Hero puzzles and brainbusters. I’m halfway through! […]
Forbidden Planet would like to congratulate Devin T. “Unkiedev” Quin for his nomination for the Pulitzer Prize in the “Worst Crossword Puzzle” category. All of us here at the Forbidden Planet Weekly Planet wish Mr. Quin “The Best of Luck!” […]
And it could mean deep shit for DC/WB, as the Judge decides to restrict the company certain rights. In an ongoing Federal court battle over Superman, Judge Stephen Larson ruled Wednesday that the family of […]
A big thanks to Jeff Ayers for that message and the compliment yesterday, and also to Heidi MacDonald for the link. Earlier today, Heidi informed us of the Comics Interweb on a recent ruling in […]
In a story with NPR, “Superman” group editor Matt Idelson declared that Supergirl would begin wearing bike shorts under her signature skirt. From the copy: The man in question: DC Comics editor Matt Idleson. The […]
“Writing about music is like dancing about architecture – it’s a really stupid thing to want to do.” -Elvis Costello An anonymous email received in response to last week’s column- wherein I recalled the laughable […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers