There’s just too much comics news to keep up with. I’m still trying to unravel threads from the NYCC, and the next thing I learn is I missed out on news from the SDCC! Did […]
There’s just too much comics news to keep up with. I’m still trying to unravel threads from the NYCC, and the next thing I learn is I missed out on news from the SDCC! Did […]
New York Comic Con, like a vestigial tail, is now behind us. Maybe you were one of the lucky ones on the Con floor and know firsthand of the amazing announcements, projects and previews which […]
San Diego Comic Con is THIS WEEK! While all of the top talents booze, schmooze and chanteuse their way through the biggest pop culture festival in America, the publishing industry that started it all will […]
HOLY CRAP, WE’RE MOVING APPARENTLY! There, consider that an early reminder. I’ll try to not to mention it again until after it happens and grand-opening things have been announced. Anywho, happy post 4th of July […]
Don’t know if you remember our last Walking Dead event contest, but if you were there you’ll know it was a slammin’ time. Well, there’s another super-rad gig going down at San Diego Comic-Con this […]
By Chris Troy SHAMELESS PLUG: I wrote an article for BleedingCool covering the Capcom Fight Club from 2 weeks back. You can read it here. Happy Monday FPNYC Faithful! For the most part, NYC was […]
By Unkiedev The San Diego Comic Con is happening tonight, tomorrow, and all through the weekend…without you or I in attendance AGAIN. How did we let this happen? It’s like the comic book rapture has […]
By Cornhusker T. Whiskerbooties (Just kidding, it’s by Unkiedev.) OFTEN times my “job” as a jet setting comic book journalist is a real grind…like when I get a paper cut on a near mint copy […]
I’ve been reading over past columns to make sure I don’t repeat myself. Still, there is a line I used last year that pretty much sums up my feelings this week. I’m not sure how improper it is to quote yourself, but here goes: “Seriously, San Diego Comic Con is like NOTHING you have ever experienced … and once again I shall not be going.” […]
By Devin T. Quin Arg! T’is time again for the San Diego Comic Con, the biggest and most expensive trip most nerds will take outside of their parents basements this year. If you haven’t bought […]
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