Dark Nights: Metal #4 Breaks The Multiverse
FINALLY, after two long months where we resume our journey into the nightmare that is Dark Nights: Metal with issue number four! There’s so much to get into and there’s no way to do it […]
FINALLY, after two long months where we resume our journey into the nightmare that is Dark Nights: Metal with issue number four! There’s so much to get into and there’s no way to do it […]
Jeff and Vita rapped about the new releases this week as Javier (of Minimate minute fame) and I slaved over a massive shipment with thousands of awesome comics including Slott’s Silver Surfer and Sandman Overture […]
Halloween is a hell of a thing y’all, and this year’s beer and candy diet was not the best plan. Probably should have thought that one out a bit. :: snorts a crushed-up Kit-Kat bar […]
By this time next week we will all be Trick-or-Treating, giving candy to those who trick-or-treat or reminiscing about Halloween’s past. Well, most of us…there are three exceptions to this rule, and they are the […]
I love you, Wednesday, but you’re killing me today. We’ve processed another HUGE shipment in the FP vault this week and I’m astounded by how much great stuff we’ve just received… a sizable chunk of […]
Tyler wants me to turn in my new column so he can go home. I have to write it first but he doesn’t know that yet. I don’t really know what to write about though […]
Hello loyal readers. How was your week? Not that anyone asked but I had a good one. Well it was good until Forbidden Planet’s Tech Wizard/6th member of Modest Mouse, Tyler, threatened me. It turns […]
I am writing this column a day earlier than I usually do in hopes that with more time it will be better written and better researched. Weird thing is I didn’t do any more research […]
I feel like I have been doing this column long enough now that you all must be dying for a behind the scenes peek at how the magic happens. It all starts around 1:30 AM […]
COMICS AND MOVIES The line between comic book continuity and Hollywood has never been thinner, and both fan communities are adding fuel to the fire! The success of The Avengers movie has cemented another five […]
by Chris Troy ::: Coughs for several minutes before vomiting up several organs of varying importance::: Once again, New York Comic Con has come and gone, this time giving me a case of the death, […]
by Michael Bramley Waiting for an omnibus is strange. Sometimes you can wait for ages and then two come out at once. In this case, I’m referring to the most recent hardcover volumes of Saga […]
Unca Grant as one angry, frilly-shirted badass vs. My Chemical Romance Redemption: The sequel to one of the most ambitious SF cinema flops of all time is expected to become one of the biggest films […]
Just wanted to take a second and post hoping that each and everyone of you readers out there are having a lovely Fourth. Here in New York City, the climate is a perfect 70 degrees […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers