G.I Joe VAMP Mk. II Review
By Loran I think if Cobra had the HISS tank as its iconic land vehicle, the Joes had the VAMP. Sure, it may not be as well known as the Skystriker or the USS Flagg, […]
By Loran I think if Cobra had the HISS tank as its iconic land vehicle, the Joes had the VAMP. Sure, it may not be as well known as the Skystriker or the USS Flagg, […]
By Loran Gundam 00. So much great promise, so many great designs, so many interesting concepts… and so many letdowns. Personal feelings about the show itself, it was filled with great designs, especially the grunts. […]
By Loran Every once in awhile I’ll buy a kit for the “why the hell not?” factor. They usually end up being kits from shows that I’m not too into, or ones that “just look […]
By Loran In every toyline, there are some that I consider “essential.” Sometimes this has to do with the character, othertimes it has to do with how good the figure itself is. Right here, we […]
By Loran Ah Kamen Rider OOO… how I hated you when I first saw you. Maybe it was just coming off the elegant simplicity of Double/W, but OOO’s design just rubbed me the wrong way. […]
By Loran Hey look, a Joe I forgot to review! Beachhead is a character I’ve always had mixed feelings about. I don’t hold him in the contempt I do for Duke, but I always felt […]
By Loran Alright, so after a few more articles on Joes and whatnot, it’s time to go back to another figure from Toybiz’s Marvel Legends days. Let’s look at another girl, and the first lady […]
By Loran Oh, Duke… as I’ve said before I’m not a Duke fan. The Joe team belongs to Hawk, no questions asked. But, the Renegades cartoon made Duke somewhat cool, by playing him off as […]
By Loran The Renegades keep marching in now, with another constant of the G.I. Joe Universe: Snake-Eyes! Yeah, I figured I should just get the “big three” out of the way first, or else I’d […]
By Loran G.I. Joe Renegades was probably my favorite incarnation of G.I. Joe of all time. In many ways it felt like G.I. Joe how I would have done it, namely the whole “Cobra is […]
By Loran I’ve always been kind of skeptical of McFarlane’s toys. As a kid I owned a few of the Terminator 3 figures they did. They were very… okay. Their sculpts were fantastic, don’t get […]
By Loran I’m really starting to think I need to put more “rhythm” into my comic character collecting… I got Deadpool before any of the other X-Men, Ms. Marvel before Captain Marvel; I own Iron […]
By Loran I’m very much in the camp of “If you have Vipers, why would you need Cobra Troopers?” and vice versa. It just makes things confusing when you have two sets of grunts to […]
By Loran In my… unfortunately limited experience with comics (seriously, I’m working on it!), there are a few characters I’ve really taken a liking to, and one of them is Ms. Marvel, and I can’t […]
by Loran Larger 3.75” figures tend to be pretty hit or miss. Once in awhile, you can get something great like the Resolute/Rise of Cobra sculpt for Roadblock from G.I. Joe; a great interpretation of […]
By Loran I guess I picked a good time to get into Mega Man, huh? It’s hard to believe such a great franchise went so long without toys that were both good and affordable. Now […]
By Loran Some people tend to really hate repaints and remolds. I could never really understand why. Sure, if it’s a reuse of a bad figure then it’s perfectly understandable. But what’s wrong with buying […]
By Loran I’m gonna come out and say it: I didn’t like G.I. Joe: 25th Anniversary. While I more than welcomed the new style of figure construction, a few things were just off. They didn’t […]
By Loran When Real Grade started out with the original RX-78 Gundam I was… kind of upset, really. It was less than a year after we got the 30th Anniversary High Grade Gundam. It just […]
By Loran Movie Ratchet has been kind of a weird character for me, toy-wise, ever since the first Transformers movie. I loved the look of his robot mode, and I love his… odd choice of […]
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