
The best comedians are often self-loathing, depressed freakazoids. Eric Powel, writer and artist on The Goon must HATE himself more than a Slayer fan who has run out of razor blades, because that cat is […]

Somewhere Around The Number Ten Best Comics That Nobody Told You About
Part 1: I love Chris Ware. Bit redundant to say so this holiday season with everyone and their sister buying Building Stories, but with so much comic awesomeness that happened in 2012; between Charles Burn’s […]

TRY SOMETHING NEW Chapter 2: A Long Time Ago
So here we are at my second column of TRY SOMETHING NEW! already. Wasn’t too pleased with how the the first one came out, 20/20 hindsight and all, but we press on. New comics wait […]

Banshee Destroy Mode Review
My favorite enemy giant robot type has always been the “evil version”. I’m not sure if I’ve spoken of this before, but it’s just so appealing to me. It’s basically like using the good guy’s […]

Kre-O Sentinel Prime Review
When I was a kid, I was really into LEGO, even more than I was into action figures. As the years went on, though, I noticed the sets were declining in quality, mostly due to […]

Halo Reach Spartan Gungnir Review
As much as I’ve been enjoying the Reach toyline, there’s been one thing that’s been getting on my nerves: the lack of originality. Far too many of the multiplayer Spartans come in just one color […]

Halo Reach Elite Ranger Review
By Loran If there’s one thing I can’t stand in the video game world, is the current influx of “realistic military shooters”. I can’t explain why, but they just bug me. They all feel like […]

Halo Anniversary Master Chief Review
By Loran Gimmick figures tend to be kind of a mixed bag to me. By “gimmick” I don’t mean something like spring-loaded weapons or whatever, I mean something based around an idea, like say, a […]

SH Figuarts Shadowmoon Review
By Loran Kamen Rider villains are something you don’t see too often in the main SH Figuarts line. Early on, Bandai experimented by doing the gold, silver, and bronze Riders from the Kamen Rider Kabuto […]

SH Figuarts Kamen Rider Black review
By Loran While the SH Figuarts line has primarily focused on the Heisei era of Kamen Riders, every now and then we get to see a Showa Rider or two. Naturally, the first one Bandai […]

HGUC EWAC Zack Review
By Loran While the Schuzrum Dias may have been a bit of a pointless variation to begin with, Double Zeta Gundam thankfully has a few more interesting ones. I believe I covered a kitbash of […]

HGUC Schuzrum Dias review
By Loran Towards the end of Double Zeta Gundam, I have to wonder if there was some sort of budget crisis with the model kits. In the series, you start seeing old suits and variations […]

HGUC Gundam GP01fb Review
By Loran I feel really weird building and reviewing the older HGUC Gundam kits these days. I remember when these things were the best kits you could buy at the scale. Back then, the only […]

SH Figarts Kamen Rider 000 TaToBa for review
By Loran As I mentioned before, I wasn’t too keen on the designs for OOO. There were a few I liked, but for the most part, I was able to live without most of them. […]

SH Figuarts Kamen Rider OOO SaGoZo Form Review
By Loran There wasn’t much that appealed to me early on in OOO. When I saw the big montage of all the possible forms, I just saw rainbow vomit. From what I’ve heard, most of […]

Review Cobra Hazard Viper
By Loran I’ve always been a fan of the wilder aspects of G.I. Joe. Sure, sometimes they went a bit too far with the Mega Monsters from Mega Marines and the… Manimals but stuff like […]

SH Figuarts Kamen Rider Birth review
By Loran Ever since Kamen Rider Agito, secondary Riders have become a staple of the franchise. I personally have no problem with it; heck, the original series had Riders 1 and 2 working alongside each […]

Cobra Black Dragon VTOL Review
By Loran With the miniscule amount of toys G.I. Joe Renegades seems to be getting, it’s a miracle we’re seeing any vehicles at all, especially one that isn’t the Coyote. We did get to see […]