6/18/14 Signing Bundle Package
In case you missed it, FPNYC is hosting a rather large event Wednesday the 18th of June. It’s kind of a big deal. We’re extremely fond of all five of these gents, and as an […]
In case you missed it, FPNYC is hosting a rather large event Wednesday the 18th of June. It’s kind of a big deal. We’re extremely fond of all five of these gents, and as an […]
Here’s an FP event I’ve been looking forward to for about, oh, seventeen years or so…. On Wednesday, the 18th of June 2014, Forbidden Planet NYC will be hosting a very special signing with PAUL […]
Publisher Z2 is re-releasing Paul Pope’s Escapo this coming April and Comic Book Resources has a nifty video with the artist himself discussing his inspirations and the new edition…
Go to Comic Arts Brooklyn this Saturday. You’d be an idiot not to. And I mean that. I so badly wish I could be there. Small and independent publishers of comics, art, zines, and minis […]
This coming Tuesday: Paul Pope’s Battling Boy FINALLY releases!!! We’ll be selling it for 25% OFF cover in-store day of release only. It’s also available for mail order at that discount as of this posting […]
…is a Wednesday and it’s another GLORIOUS New Comic Day. Let’s take a gander at some of the highlights hitting the FP shelves. My top picks: Trillium, Catalyst Comix, Sidekicks
There’s a lot of good comics this week. I know you want to buy the same old ones you always buy because they feel safe and comfortable. I get that. I’m not gonna tell you […]
Valen’s Day is coming up, and for those of you still stuck for a gift for the geek in your life (and for those of you interested in Forbidden Planet sales… stalkers) here’s a quick […]
So one of my co-workers today told me that they have no idea what it means when I write “RIYL” in my column. I guess I just thought that was something everyone knew. Seems not […]
Suh-weeeeeeeet Paul Pope variant cover to this week’s Before Watchmen Dr. Manhattan #1.
In Stock and highly recommended, Diamond Comics #6! What is Diamond Comics? It’s a newspaper of experimental comics that blurs the lines between the worlds of illustration, graphic design, and comics. Inspired by similar experimental […]
Outrageous astronomical SF film goofs from Phil Plait, Bad Astronomy blogger for Discover magazine. Donate or renew your Comic Book Legal Defense Fund membership at the Protector or Champion level and receive a limited edition, […]
Alex Tse was one of the people to streamline the Watchmen screenplay, and talking to ScriptPhD, is working with Paul Pope on the Battling Boy script. Except, Tse notes, the book with which Pope is […]
Marvel’s got an interview with Paul Pope (conducted by Sean T. Collins) in anticipation of the forthcoming Strange Adventures #1 up here. Marvel.com: Did you read super hero comics when you were a kid? Paul […]
Good evening one and all, and welcome to our second installment of the Thursday Walk of Shame. I am Dave Press, this week we discuss my ridiculous obsession with Deadpool, “Coraline”, “Immortal Weapons #1” and […]
My new object of desire after checking in on Paul’s flickr page for the first time in weeks… I’m a humongous fan of all parties involved, so every collaboration between them sends my heart aflutter. […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers