Creative Conversation With Matthew Rosenberg
Matthew Rosenberg sits down to have a Creative Conversation with us. We talk everything from his first comic, the series that he learned to read on, and all things Secret Warriors! […]
Matthew Rosenberg sits down to have a Creative Conversation with us. We talk everything from his first comic, the series that he learned to read on, and all things Secret Warriors! […]
There’s a lot of good comics this week. I know you want to buy the same old ones you always buy because they feel safe and comfortable. I get that. I’m not gonna tell you […]
By Mat K. Welcome otaku boys and girls, and I’m dry on article titles for now. Moving forward, this week isn’t very tremendous in terms of quantity of new books coming out, despite it being […]
By Mat K. Well, as I’m sure everyone in the city has experienced this week, it has been Satan’s armpit in New York City, hot and humid as all hell. Fortunately, as a small consolation, […]
I know it’s a gloomy week so far, and no one really wants to go out in this weather, but if there was ever an excuse to get your feet damp and squishy I believe good books are it, and this week we have some good books. Let’s start with the 8th and final volume of Pluto, the Urasawa X Tezuka collaboration event. When we last left off in Volume 7 Photon just got obliterated, and his hands survived just long enough to protect the child Wassily and the guard-bot from the explosive force. And then Atom finally wakes up, but with 6 billlion personalities flowing through his brain, will he be the same awesome robot from before he was torn to shreds? THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME! I’m just glad that I waited for the first 7 books to come out before I started reading it, because I couldn’t imagine having to wait all that time between each release. PS: If you haven’t started reading Pluto already, what is wrong with you? […]
Welcome boys and girls to the first release week of March, and it all belongs to Viz. The Shonen Jump and Shojo Beat go flying this week and I’m sure you’ll be getting a little giddy. First on my “things I’ve been waiting for” list is Tegami Bachi Volume 2. It’s a little annoying that it’s going to be taking so long to release the indiviudal volumes, but that’s the price we pay when a series is also being run in Shonen Jump magazine. WaqWaq and Tegami Bachi both released they’re first volumes at the same time. And while WaqWaq itself has not been entirely punctual, as much as I love it, at least it has made it as far as the third book already. Now we finally get to see the second book of Tegami Bachi, and I’m ready for more of it’s twilight watercolor style, (that’s twilight as in the time between sun and moon). […]
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