Chris’ Comics: New Avengers #2
New Avengers #2 Al Ewing, Gerardo Sandoval, Dono Sancez Almara Marvel $3.99 New Avengers #2 is a bit of difficult comic for me to discuss. On the one hand, it’s an incredibly well done comic; […]
New Avengers #2 Al Ewing, Gerardo Sandoval, Dono Sancez Almara Marvel $3.99 New Avengers #2 is a bit of difficult comic for me to discuss. On the one hand, it’s an incredibly well done comic; […]
New Avengers #1 Al Ewing, Gerardo Sandoval, Dono Sanchez Almara Marvel $3.99 Ever since Infinity, writer Al Ewing has been pumping out some damn fine Avengers comics for Marvel. Mighty Avengers has been constantly entertaining, […]
(note: This weeks column will be structured like a Choose Your Own Adventure. If you do not understand what a Choose Your Own Adventure story is you should call your parents and ask them why they didn’t give you a better childhood.)
So here we are again. Me at my computer, drinking chocolate milk like an adult. It’s 3 AM. I had a really long day and I don’t want to get into the details. On the bright side I had dinner at a Chinese restaurant next to Peter Scolari. I also thought I recognized the guy sitting on the other side of the room but I realized after dinner that I thought it was Walter Cronkite and I am pretty sure he’s dead. So that was either not him or the craziest celebrity sighting ever. Peter Scolari isn’t dead, right? If he is, you all should check out this Chinese spot on 74th and Amsterdam. It’s like Dawn Of The Dead but with soup dumplings. Anyway, enough about me. What’s going on with you? If you are reading the newsletter in Forbidden Planet please proceed to PARAGRAPH 1. If you are reading the blog on FPNYC.com skip ahead to PARAGRAPH 2. If you are reading the newsletter somewhere outside the store please jump to PARAGRAPH 3. […]
By Unkiedev There is not a single problem that can befall man nor beast that cannot be resolved through the awesome powers of this week’s new comic books. S’true! Let’s pretend you are a wasp […]
Buffy season 8 started out as an exciting new development in the history of comic books. Where Television had disappointed fans by ending a popular show, comic books would pick up the slack and give […]
Despite all evidence to the contrary let’s say you actually believe that comic book collecting is a profitable, enjoyable and easy way to make money. God help you. Now let’s take this absurdly preposterous scenario even a step further and say you found someone JUST AS delusional as yourself to buy your boxes upon heavy boxes of smelly, worthless comic books and finally get them out of your parent’s basement once and for all. […]
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