Troy’s Toys, but with Comics : Uncanny Sex Marvels
Once again, I am extremely too proud of that title. Books what shipped this week that you may dig!: Buffy the Vampire Slays Season 10 #1 Witcher #1 Animal Man #29 Superman Unchained #6 Wonder […]
Once again, I am extremely too proud of that title. Books what shipped this week that you may dig!: Buffy the Vampire Slays Season 10 #1 Witcher #1 Animal Man #29 Superman Unchained #6 Wonder […]
Without going into details, life happened. Here’s some reviews: Secret Avengers #1 Ales Kot/Michael Walsh/Matt Wilson Marvel, $3.99 Real talk, I had trouble choosing between covers. Tradd Moore’s was awesome, but Katie Cook’s Avengers Ducks […]
A few days ago, Image Publisher Eric Stephens more or less called out the greater comics publisher community for reasons I don’t and do agree with. Said speech went down at retailer’s meeting ComicsPRO, and […]
So we’re all on board for killing the winter/the snow yes? Because we need to. Hawkeye #16 Matt Fraction/Annie Wu/Matt Hollingsworth Marvel, $2.99, 20 pages Hawkeye‘s back this week! Sorta….David Aja still needed time to […]
So the Image Expo 2014 has come and gone and man, screw them. I have a limited budget for comics stuff because living in New York isn’t cheap, and they go and announce like 3 […]
In retrospect, a short title would have been nice. Also happy New Year! Welcome back to me coasting for cash-money. As I said last time, this is the “Matt Fraction Power Hour” portion of the […]
FPNYC Faithful, I have a sore throat and IT IS THE WORST, PLEASE SEND HELP/A NEW THROAT. Inhumanity #1 Matt Fraction/Oliver Coipel/Leinil Yu, Dustin Weaver/ Mark Morales/Laura Martin Marvel, $3.99, 40 pages THIS WEEK IN […]
A butt-ton of books dropped this past week, so let’s get down to business, yes? Black Science Rick Remender/Matteo Scalera/Dean White Image, 20 pages, $3.50 Black Science is a book I was a little concern […]
First and foremost, a big thank you to Warren Ellis for coming out to past Friday (as seen here with my friend Sean). It was the first time in FOREVER since he’s had a signing […]
All heat, no jokes, once again y’all! Wolverine and the X-men #37 Jason Aaron/ Giuseppe Camuncoli/ Andrew Currie Marvel, $3.99, 20 pages Chapter 9 of the Battle of Atom crossover is such a pain to […]
This is where my usually hilarious intro paragraph goes, but I don’t got the time for that today. Hawk-talk time is now! Hawkeye #13 Matt Fraction/ David Aja Marvel Comics, $2.99, 20 pages David […]
It was a GREAT week for comics that I buy, and I am excited to tell you all about them FPNYC Faithful. Let me do so right now! In terms of new releases for 2013, […]
I don’t mean to purposefully draw themes from all the comics I want to talk about each week, but there was a glaringly obvious coincidence between a lot of the wonderful books coming out today […]
Before I get into “This Week in Matt Fraction Comics” (stalkingmattfraction.tumblr.com), let’s take a quick look into two of DC’s digital-first offerings – Batman ’66 and Injustice: God Amongst Us. Both these books are INSANE, […]
San Diego Comic Con is going down, and I am not there, but in hot-ass Brooklyn instead. Part of me is jealous of the dozen or so people I know who are in attendance, but […]
Before we get into the reviews, I just wanna give a thank you shout-out to Loran/Solphie, who’s time at FPNYC has come to an end. I wish her all the luck out in California, and […]
Happy belated 4th of July FPNYC Faithful, it is disgusting outside, let’s blow up the sun. Saying I’m a mark for Matt Fraction stuff is like saying that…that’s it’s too hot outside to make comparisons. […]
The BEST comics weeks are the ones that you walk into the shop and realize that you can’t possibly afford to buy all the books you want. Or you could, but you shouldn’t. It usually […]
::: Vacuums after a lengthy absence ::: Yo apparently this blog begins and end with me if the lack of updates indicate anything. So Heroescon obviously has passed once again, and according to this article’s […]
Hawkeye : My Life as a Weapon Written by: Matt Fraction Art by: David Aja, Javier Pulido, Alan Davis Collects Hawkeye (2012) 1-5, Young Avengers Presents 6 Published by: Marvel Comics, retail price $16.99 A […]
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