Val’s Toy Chest- Val’s Top 10 of 2018
2018 has had a great selection of figures from all of my favorite properties including the likes of Star Wars, DC and Marvel. As has been my tradition these past few years, I will provide […]
2018 has had a great selection of figures from all of my favorite properties including the likes of Star Wars, DC and Marvel. As has been my tradition these past few years, I will provide […]
Marvel toys have been fast and furious this year with the release of several series of Marvel Legends back-to-back. DC hasn’t been as strong this year with their toy releases, though DC Essentials is starting […]
PREDAKING!!!! And some other stuff. Click any pic to enter the gallery of full-size images and read descriptions. You can find many of these items on our webstore, or better yet, here on the New Items landing […]
Avengers: Infinity War is making all sorts of splashes at the box office- and it has carried over to the Marvel Legends line as well- our recent shipment of Hasbro’s Avengers: Infinity War Marvel Legends […]
Over the weekend, Avengers: Infinity War earned enough money to become the biggest box-office opening of all time. Where it will fall on the cumulative box-office totals remains to be seen. I personally enjoyed the […]
Not more than a week after we received the Spider-Man Marvel Legends wave, another Legends wave from the fine folks at Hasbro has dropped. Fans of the Merc with the Mouth can now rejoice with […]
It seems like Hasbro is releasing a Marvel Legends series once a month these days. We are all just recovering from the Avengers: Infinity War Series 1 figures as well as the Marvel Riders sets, […]
Marvel has had a great week with the release of their most recent film, Black Panther and they look as if they will rule the toy aisle this year as well. First and foremost is Hasbro’s […]
The Black Panther Marvel Legends wave hit a brief hiccup but have finally arrived on our shelves this week. There are also a few restocks worth mentioning as well. Here’s what’s out at the Planet […]
Happy New Year! As we wrapped last year up, some new toys started to arrive for the new year with more on the way soon. What’s coming out, you ask? Let’s take a look! Mattel […]
December snuck up on us pretty quickly this year it seems, so this week, I will be presenting the first part of my holiday gift guide. The focus this week will be on Marvel toys […]
1990- I was 11 years old and had already become an avid toy collector. One of the figure series that debuted that year was Toy Biz’s Marvel Super Heroes line. I was already familiar with […]
Hey guys- I spent part of my weekend at New York Comic-Con (NYCC) and had a great time- there was even a smattering of toy news that came from the con too. Hasbro’s newest reveals […]
DC toy fans have a few things to look out for this time around as we have gotten a restock on certain figures along with the debut of four new figures in the DC Icons […]
After months and months of anticipation and in one case, over a year- Hot Toys has a bunch of cool new figures scheduled to drop within the next few weeks, with these toys most likely […]
As I mentioned in last week’s installment, we have the Lloyd Kaufman and Troma action figure signing coming up this Thursday night 8/10/17 starting at 6PM. Director Brandon Bassham will be joining him. For the […]
San Diego Comic Con 2017 has come and gone, but there were plenty of new toy reveals to talk about this year, we’ll focus on DC and Marvel toys this time around. DC Collectibles has […]
Back in the Summer of 1992, I remember reading an article in Wizard Magazine about the forthcoming Batman: The Animated Series. I remember being really ecstatic that Barbara Gordon as Batgirl was going to be […]
First things first- the news you’ve all been waiting for is here- Hasbro’s latest wave of X-Men characters should finally be in the store this week. Just to jog your memories a bit, this wave […]
Hi Readers! As you know and probably lived through, we had a horrendous winter storm in NYC this past weekend and thus my planned column on the Heroes and Villains Fan Fest that took place […]
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