All Dark Horse Special
Now I could, without looking, tell you what Marvel, DC and Image have for sale this week: A bunch of super-hero comics, often with near-naked, female super-heroes on the cover. What does Dark Horse have for you this week? […]
Now I could, without looking, tell you what Marvel, DC and Image have for sale this week: A bunch of super-hero comics, often with near-naked, female super-heroes on the cover. What does Dark Horse have for you this week? […]
Happy Thanksgiving folks and welcome to another exciting issue of your favorite manga update column. There’s a decent about of things showing up this week, but by no means one of those giant “everyting-comes-out-at-once” weeks. So if you have a lot of cooking and traveling to do, you will be glad to know there wont be 30 different books you know you have to pick up. But if you’re one of those who needs reading material because you can’t stand actually interacting with those creatures that call themselves your family, don’t worry there is still plenty of good stuff for you to distract yourself with. […]
If you found the last two weeks of insane releases a tad hard on the wallet, you will be thrilled this week, there are less than ten titles showing up. Don’t get me wrong this week makes up for it in quality. It seems to be the kind of week for all those manga that regular people (ie: not otaku) read, Oishinbo Volume 6, Black Jack Volume 8, Pluto Volume 6, Vagabond Volume 30, and while those are all well and amazing, there is also Fullmetal Alchemist Volume 21, which came out really quickly this time around, Case Closed Volume 32 comes around, and Gurren Lagann Volume 3 is here. Like I said, it’s a pretty awesome week right? […]
This is definitely the week that has something for everyone. It’s not quite as massive a release list as last week, but then, that was the first week of the month and we are inching ever closer to the holidays. We’re seeing a lot of yaoi, shojo books, shonen series, books for grown ups and books for little kids. […]
I know all you loyal Shibuya-Cho readers out there look forward to the weekly manga and anime updates, but this week something special came up, and being the guy upstairs, I felt this time we needed to share the love…and article space. […]
Hello one and all, this is gonna be a slow week, but we do have a few titles you’re gonna want. First up on the list is my pick of the week, Chibi Vampire Volume 14. Granted, I thought this series was going to end about 4 volumes ago, but I’m kinda glad it’s still pushing on. If it didn’t, we would not have gotten to meet her awesome grandmother, and get in on the family history. Not to mention the secret of why she’s the only vampire who gushes blood instead of drinks it. I’m not going to give any of it away, for the sake of any new readers, but I’m just thrilled it became so much more than a cheesy high school romance story. […]
By Mat K. Okay, all of you who keep up with me and my rants and reviews, remember the other week when I was going on about how 20th Century Boys has been falling behind […]
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