Gyo Gets Animated
Junji Ito’s wild horror manga Gyo is getting the anime treatment and I’m squirming with excitement! Up until fairly recent I was only vaguely familiar with Ito’s work, mostly from the live action adaptation of […]
Junji Ito’s wild horror manga Gyo is getting the anime treatment and I’m squirming with excitement! Up until fairly recent I was only vaguely familiar with Ito’s work, mostly from the live action adaptation of […]
Over the years Dark Horse has done a fantastic job of bringing American fans the best in manga and translated novels (like the Vampire Hunter D series, one of my very favorite series). It’s no […]
Maybe it’s because the new movie just came out on DVD, but after three consecutive weeks of Evangelion manga, I’m starting to notice a trend. Not that anyone should really be complaining about a new […]
Viz Media’s Detroit Metal City is like nothing you’ve seen before. I remember when the first volume came out. I knew nothing of the book, but as a Heavy Metal fan myself, I was instantly […]
I feel like I really ought to stop opening my mouth, because 2 weeks ago I was sounding so hopeful for a flush of new releases, and then last week we had only five. This […]
There may not be a whole of actual stuff coming in this week, but there are some pretty exciting titles. I think this time I’m going to start with a new title instead of your awaited favorites first. This week sees the release of Natsume Ono’s first series, (her previous books “Not Simple” and “Ristorante Paradiso” were one-shots), Gente. Ms. Ono is obviously a fan of languages and, it would seem, food. In this spin-off of Ristorante Paradiso you’re welcomed into Casetta dell’Orso, a quaint little restaurant in the heart of Rome. The food’s delicious, but the handsome staff of bespectacled gentlemen is the real draw. Follow these dashing men home and witness their romances, heartaches, hopes and dreams. […]
So, the title for this weeks article is fairly self-explanatory. This week we say farewell to a title as it’s final issue is here, and then we welcome a new title by a couple of your favorite creators. Muhyo & Roji’s Bureau of Supernatural Investigation ends in a blast this week with Volume 18. If you all remember from the last volume everything hit the fan and every able body went to the Magic Law School in Europe that had been overrun by ghosts, and one of those ghosts was sucking the energy out of all the major Magic Law users, oh, and Muhyo could not keep his eyes open and kept falling into a deep sleep.In this final issue Muhyo has finally woken from his long slumber, but will his prodigious display of power be enough to stop Vector? Moreover, will Muhyo and Roji be able to keep it together when it seems like everything and everyone is threatening to drag the duo apart? […]
So, today’s title is pretty self explanatory, oh yeah, manga is first on the block, followed by Magic: The Gathering, which I know isn’t exactly anime related like you guys are used to reading in my columns, but hey, this is the Manga and Gaming department up here on the second floor of Forbidden Planet NYC, I have a little bit of a duty to go on about whatever I deem necessary. Besides, to be perfectly frank, there are only a hand full of manga titles coming in this week, and I doubt I could fill this entire article with the stuff that is arriving. […]
So this week is a small release week in quantity, barely even ten things are coming out, but the good news is, this week belongs t Dark Horse who is releasing a few choice titles for you guys. First on the list is the amazingly belated Hellsing Volume 10 by Kohta Hirano. Now this is supposed to be the final volume, and from what has been happening since Volume 9, it damn well better be. Aside from the fact that I don’t think the fan base can wait another however many years for an 11th Volume, let’s face it, I’ve been into the series since high school, it has been about 10 years, it’s time for it to end. Just as long Alucard…and therefor Allegra, ends up on top. […]
I know it’s a gloomy week so far, and no one really wants to go out in this weather, but if there was ever an excuse to get your feet damp and squishy I believe good books are it, and this week we have some good books. Let’s start with the 8th and final volume of Pluto, the Urasawa X Tezuka collaboration event. When we last left off in Volume 7 Photon just got obliterated, and his hands survived just long enough to protect the child Wassily and the guard-bot from the explosive force. And then Atom finally wakes up, but with 6 billlion personalities flowing through his brain, will he be the same awesome robot from before he was torn to shreds? THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME! I’m just glad that I waited for the first 7 books to come out before I started reading it, because I couldn’t imagine having to wait all that time between each release. PS: If you haven’t started reading Pluto already, what is wrong with you? […]
So its a reeeeally small week this week, about 10 books. Three of those books are Mobile Suit Gundam related. First up is the 9th (and I believe final) volume of Gundam: Ecole Du Ciel. In case you were curious, Ecole Du Ciel first started coming out in the states in 2005. That’s five years to put out 9 books. The only excuse for that kind of fan-teasing is some horrible debilitating disease that left the artist minus both their hands for a couple years. On top of that, Tokyopop seems to think they are justified in raising the price on the book not only to $10.99 like they did the rest of their series, but instead this final volume is going to be $12.99, like anyone who even was reading the series 5 years ago hasn’t already fallen out of love with, or plain old forgotten about the whole thing. I know they had issues with a lot of downsizing in the last couple years, but it has been 2 years sine volume 8 released, and even that was really far behind it’s predecessor. At some point in the last two years you would think Tokyopop would have switched one of their crappy pseudo-manga books if just to finish a series that at least has pretty covers and nice artwork. But I digress. […]
At first glance, as you run down our new release manga section on our website, the week looks interesting but with a couple exceptions (like Detroit Metal City Volume 4), overall not too exciting. But then you get to the bottom of the list and you have to blink twice because your eyes can’t quite make sense out of what you think you’re seeing. Stephanie Meyer has invaded the manga shelves! That’s right, the Twilight Manga Volume 1 has arrived. Now the cover merely states “Twilight The Graphic Novel”, though distributor listings actually say “Twilight Manga”. And the adaptation is done by Young Kim, which would technically make it manhwa anyway, but I digress. I know this comes as good news to many Twilight fans out there. You finally get to see your precious Edward in manga form. And I will say this, the cover art doesn’t look terrible. I suppose I’m just glad that Shakespere and the Bible made it to manga form before Twilight did. […]
FP Transmissions, now featuring Emma Larson and Lindsay Johnson, having lost they damn minds and talking Manga.
That’s right boys and girls, the real Mega Man Manga finally comes to the states courtesy of Udon Comics and Manga-ka Hitoshi Ariga. You all might remember Mega Man NT Warrior the Manga, and I know all the new kids these days got a kick out of it, but to anyone who remembers the old cartoon, and used to put cardboard tubes on their arms pretending it was a blaster, this is the real Mega Man. Featuring of course Doctor Light (the good doctor), Doctor Wily (the bad doctor), Roll (Mega Man’s sister), Rush (that’s his dog) as well as the bad boss robots you know and love. I know I’m a little bit thrilled about it.
Okay, before I get into the manga spiel for the week, let me start with talking about the new Pokemon set. As most of you Poke-Fans out there know, the new game “HeartGold SoulSilver” is set to release. So of course there is the brand new card expansion bearing the same name. Just as with the first Diamond & Pearl set, the new HeartGold SoulSilver features three new decks instead of just 2. The decks feature new awesome art editions of Meganium for the Growth Clash deck (grass and fighting), Feraligator for the Mind Flood deck (water and psychic), and Typhlosion on the Ember Spark deck (fire and electricity). […]
Why is this week so awesome? Well, it is the first week of February and Viz has decided its time once again to avalanche us with titles. And I mean that in a good way. First and foremost, Naruto Volume 47 is here, and you know you fans have been fiending for it. Pain is attacking Konoha and they’ve taken heavy damages. The toads are doing the best they can but it won’t be enough. Even Toad Sage Naruto can’t handle all the death and destruction, and no one can tell if it’s for better or worse when one more death causes him to sprout 8 out of his 9 demon tails. […]
That’s right ladies, this is a shoujo kind of week. Not completely of course, that would just be bad marketing of their parts, but damn is it heavy with cute and/or romance stuff. But more than that, it is also a week of premiers. First and foremost of which is the new book by Benjamin (Orange, Flash) who’s known for a very painted style of CG art. His new book is called Remember and is about stories of love and loss and losing your inhibitions. All that drama combined with the gorgeous art makes for a definite need with this book. But it’s only one volume, so enjoy your jollies without having to make a real commitment. […]
With things like Genshiken 2, Kujibiki Unbalance, Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino, Death Note: Re Light and *cough* Shippuden *cough*, it seems that anime producers have run into the same rut as Hollywood in the way of rehashing things that have already been done. And while many of you are waiting for the new Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, or the new Neon Genesis movies (which as neat as they may be are essentially going to sum up the series), they just seem to further my point. Where is the bizarre creativity and fresh concepts and conceptions that endeared anime culture to us Westerners in the first place? Let’s face it, it’s getting a little boring out there. […]
Ohayo gozaimasu fellow anime fans. This week the manga news is small, but definitely still interesting. So let’s start with the big names. Vampire Hunter D the Manga Volume 4 comes in this week. I know with the 13th novel showing up just last week, all the D fans out there must be having a great December…or at least their friends know what to get them for Christmas. One Piece Volume 23 also makes it’s debut. […]
This is our special Pre-Christmas issue, which I know might sound like it’s coming late, considering you have been listening to Christmas music on the radio and watching Christmas shopping commercials on TV for weeks now, but I believe that the Christmas Spirit shouldn’t hit until December…or at least after Thanksgiving. And here we are. Besides, this is the first week of December, which as usual means a ton of stuff is coming out, and quite honestly some awesome stuff to boot. […]
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