MTG Ravnica Allegiance: Hey, Hi, Um, There’s A New Magic Set
Yo, like, man, just thought you oughtta know there’s a new Magic the Gathering set that came out only TWO DAYS AGO. Yeah, surprised me, too. I mean, I knew it was coming. But I […]
Yo, like, man, just thought you oughtta know there’s a new Magic the Gathering set that came out only TWO DAYS AGO. Yeah, surprised me, too. I mean, I knew it was coming. But I […]
Magic The Gathering’s summer set for 2017, Hour of Devastation, is here and as always Forbidden Planet NYC is fully loaded with booster boxes, booster packs, bundles and Planeswalker decks. The return of Nicol Bolas […]
Here’s a rundown of the deals Forbidden Planet NYC is offering today: Batman Arkham Asylum… The original Morrison/McKean classic! ($18) $7.99 George Romero’s Empire o/t Dead Act One Tp… ($20) $6.99 Hedge Knight Game of […]
Journey Into Nyx, the newest Magic the Gathering set, went on sale at Forbidden Planet NYC this morning! Booster boxes (discounted throughout the set’s opening weekend), fat packs, intro decks and single booster packs are […]
It’s Theros Weekend here at The Planet. We’ve got TONS of card supplies, individual boosters, Fat Packs, intro decks… AND booster boxes are on sale at $89.99 through Sunday! The full list of Theros merch […]
M14 hits the shelves tomorrow. Here’s a complete list of Core Set 2014 related stuff available from Forbidden Planet NYC. ALSO!!! From Friday 7/19 through Sunday 7/21 Forbidden Planet is selling booster boxes for a […]
Magic the Gathering’s new set, Dragon’s Maze, releases today. Let’s check it out: The plane of Ravnica is home to ten ancient two-color guilds. Return to Ravnica showed off five of those guilds: the white-blue Azorius, […]
New Duel Decks are releasing TODAY, MTG fans!!! These ready to play 60 card decks showcase some of the best cards in Magic history. Together the Sorin vs Tibalt Duel Decks have ten rare cards […]
Valen’s Day is coming up, and for those of you still stuck for a gift for the geek in your life (and for those of you interested in Forbidden Planet sales… stalkers) here’s a quick […]
D&D shirts are now in stock, PLUS we’re currently processing a gobs of new Magic the Gathering shirts! Don’t take a chance on a d20 roll they’ll stick around for long… pick yours up today. […]
Coming this Friday: MTG’s Return to Ravnica! Order here!
Tournament-ready, 75 card (60 each, with 15 card sideboards) Event Decks from Magic the Gathering’s red-hot new set Avacyn Restored are in stock NOW!!! There’s a full deck list for each after the jump:
HUMONGOUS weekend coming up for the good and geeky. A little movie called The Avengers hits American screens tomorrow, Free Comic Book Day is Saturday the 5th, and all weekend long gamers will be feverishly […]
Suicide Squad #8, out NEXT week from DC, BETTER clear up these rumors I’ve been hearing about a certain demise within that team’s roster. Hopefully we’ll be seeing one of the chief stars of that […]
Drama! Controversy! Comics! Dramictroversy! Dan goes over the latest and greatest comics in this week’s haul, plus the bru-ha-ha surrounding Kevin Keller‘s nuptials! If you’d like to show your support for comic that provide realistic […]
Today is the official release of the new Magic the Gathering set, Dark Ascension. To celebrate we’re selling the first booster packs of this block, Innistrad, at a cool $2.75 per booster pack on today’s […]
So, today’s title is pretty self explanatory, oh yeah, manga is first on the block, followed by Magic: The Gathering, which I know isn’t exactly anime related like you guys are used to reading in my columns, but hey, this is the Manga and Gaming department up here on the second floor of Forbidden Planet NYC, I have a little bit of a duty to go on about whatever I deem necessary. Besides, to be perfectly frank, there are only a hand full of manga titles coming in this week, and I doubt I could fill this entire article with the stuff that is arriving. […]
I know all you loyal Shibuya-Cho readers out there look forward to the weekly manga and anime updates, but this week something special came up, and being the guy upstairs, I felt this time we needed to share the love…and article space. […]
The Society of Illustrators, 128 East 63rd Street between Park and Lex in NYC, opens its 2009 Spectrum exhibit this Tuesday night, September 1st. “Spectrum” is on display at the Museum of American Illustration at […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers