TRY SOMETHING NEW Chapter 11: The Death Star!
Hello loyal readers. How was your week? Not that anyone asked but I had a good one. Well it was good until Forbidden Planet’s Tech Wizard/6th member of Modest Mouse, Tyler, threatened me. It turns […]
Hello loyal readers. How was your week? Not that anyone asked but I had a good one. Well it was good until Forbidden Planet’s Tech Wizard/6th member of Modest Mouse, Tyler, threatened me. It turns […]
I feel like I have been doing this column long enough now that you all must be dying for a behind the scenes peek at how the magic happens. It all starts around 1:30 AM […]
Make sure to get here on Wednesday and pick up a copy of the Madman All-New Giant-Size Super Ginchy Special! You don’t know how happy I am that there is a new issue of Mike […]
I hope everyone is excited as I am about I Zombie volume 1 Dead To The World hitting shelves this Wednesday. Ok, it’s about a zombie, so I obviously don’t have to sell you on […]
IDW Has surpassed Dark Horse and Image last week to take up the mantle of the industries third largest publisher. How things change. How did they do it? There’s no magical secret, they did the […]
Forbidden Planet would like to congratulate Devin T. “Unkiedev” Quin for his nomination for the Pulitzer Prize in the “Worst Crossword Puzzle” category. All of us here at the Forbidden Planet Weekly Planet wish Mr. Quin “The Best of Luck!” […]
We apologize for the lack of a Walk of Shame for last week, there wasn’t much shame to have regardless, as there was a ton of nothing to read last week. So without further ado, […]
© 2021 Forbidden Planet NYC | Layout/Design/Editing: Jeff Ayers